More Guns? Honestly?

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"Moo!" I sat up abruptly, my hair falling around my chest again. What the hell was that? "Moo!" I jumped out of bed and peered out the window, a cow had it's face pressed right up against it. I let out a soundless scream and ran away, into a room, which wasn't the lounge room, it was someone else's bedroom. I see black hair peeking out of the quilt and jump on the bed, crawling in, immediately thinking it's Kellin.

"Kaitlyn please, Kellin might get jealous." Zayn's voice came, I rolled out of his bed, letting out a soundless scream again, then laughing silently about it.

"Is something the problem?" Zayn asks, propping himself up on his elbows. I nod.

"There's a cow, outside the window." I mouth, using my whole body, jumping around to tell him. Zayn laughs.

"That probably because we're on a farm." Zayn reminds me. I nod and face-palm myself. "I'll take you to the kitchen." Zayn says, swinging himself out of bed and walking off in the direction of my bedroom. I follow and Zayn laughs and the fact I'm glaring at the cow at the window. We pass two more rooms, one of which is the lounge room, and the others the dining room. Which looked extremely fancy.

"Here's the kitchen." Zayn says, motioning to the kitchen with his hands. I silently thank him and sit on the bench, thinking of what I could make myself for breakfast. How long were we going to stay here? I don't know. If we don't end up staying here, where will we go instead? I don't know. So many questions that needed answers, but probably wouldn't get them.

"Morning Kitty Kat." Kellin says, entering and pouring himself a cup of coffee. I nod in acknowledgment and open the pantry, it was empty except for a few packets of chips and an unopened jar of jam. We can survive on these, because I'm Bear Grylls, and people like me eat bush tucker all the time! I thought to myself, getting slightly angry.

"What are we supposed to eat?" I mouth to Kellin. He smiles.

"Is food always the only thing on your mind?" He teases, I nod and kiss him quickly, before he ruffles my hair. "Me and a few of the boys will go and pick up breakfast for everyone, you okay with that?" Kellin asks. I nod, a little upset that I would be left here, but at least I was getting food.

"We'll head out now, I can tell you're itching for food." Kellin says, sculling the rest of his coffee. He disappears out of the room and comes back with Zayn and Niall at his sides.

"Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone." Kellin says, I cross my heart and he winks at me before exiting out the front door. I sat on the bench kicking my feet against the cupboard. Liam enters, his quiff ridiculously messy and his chest bare, Oh dear lord, why must Liam Payne have such an amazing body?

"Goodmorning." Liam says, with a slight wave, he got a cup of water, then heads back to his bedroom. I didn't want to be alone, but I didn't want company either. I follow Liam to his room and he looks up from the tv at me innocently.

"I'm going to check out the farm." I mouth, Liam understands, which is impressive, normally, people I've just met ask me to use my vocal machine. But it's Liam Payne, and that seems a valid enough point.

"Get dressed though, most of the animals seemed to be threatened by pyjamas." Liam smirked shrugging. I shake my head and get dressed, then heading out on to the farms green grass. The cow that had recently pushed it's face again my window was munching contently on grass. Good, maybe it will leave me alone. I head further into the paddock, where sheep were kept in fenced off areas, they were mainly white, but the odd one out would be black. They baa-ed at me, as if they wanted to play. I stroked a black sheep's head and wandered off, towards stables. I heard neighing and whinnying from inside. This place definitely had horses. I welcomed myself into the smell stable and observed the horses, the were all obedient, not trying to rip of my head or anything. There was a white one, on the end, that seemed to be begging for my attention. I approaches it and stoked it's long nose, it neighed appreciatively. I look around and find a saddle, I knew how to ride a horse, from multiple lessons I had gotten when I was younger, I even knew how to out the saddle on properly. I saddled the horse up and rode it out, the horse seemed happy to be out of the stable, it wasn't throwing me off or anything. I could live here, if we had more food.

Kellin's P.O.V

Niall and Zayn were busy mucking around in the back seat, that was the reason I put them there in the first place. I pulled up the drive to farm and saw something white, bolting across the paddock. What the fuck was that? The white thing launched over the van and I realised it was a horse. I think it was Willow. The horse heeled and turned around. Kaitlyn was sitting on Willow proudly, smiling happily and stroking the white horse. She noticed me in the car and smiled, along with a wink, and galloped back towards the stables, so Willow could rest.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

The white horses neighed appreciatively as I stroked it's nose, leading it back into the stable.

"Kaitlyn! Breakfast is here!" Niall shouted, running into the stable, just as I was walking out. We collided and fell, I landed on top of him, the breath knocked out of me. He didn't seem as flustered as I was, because, of course, I had a giant crush on Niall Horan, he was my favourite member of One Direction, Kellin knew that, but no one else knew. Niall laughed and patted my back.

"Get off me now, I've got stones digging into my back." Niall says carelessly. I forced a smile back and stood up, dusting myself up.

"You alright?" Niall asks me, I nod. "As I was saying before we collided, breakfast is here." Niall brushes dust and dirt out of his hair, making it spray everywhere in a cloud.

"I'll be there in a minute." I mouth, Niall nods and turns around. I could've just kissed my crush, but I didn't, I lost the chance. But I'm with Kellin, I have to control myself and my raging hormones, I can't hurt Kellin, I would kill myself if I did that. I tap Niall's shoulder and he turns again, a smile plastered on his face.

"Normally I wouldn't wait when it comes to food. But, I guess I have to make an exception, seeing as you're mute." Niall says, making it sound like I have down syndrome. I punch him in the arm lightly. He smirks.

"I do not need your assistance." I mouth, breaking into a smile. I felt like I only smiled around other people, and most of them seemed forced. This one did too, maybe it was. Niall wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"This is taking so much self control, I'm starving, I'm surprised I haven't thrown you to the side and dashed into the house." Niall teases, I roll my eyes as we enter the house. Kellin had the food spread all over the kitchen counter. Niall's eyes widened and he pounced on the food. Kellin kissed me on the cheek, pushing a bacon burger into my hand. The was a loud gunshot and all of our heads turned to the front door. We all ran outside. I put a hand over my mouth as I saw Harry laying on the ground, his arm with a bullet wound, bleeding freely. A man had a foot on Harry's stomach and a gun pointed to Harry's head.

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