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A/N:This is more of a filler, sorry it's so short.


I lay frozen in bed, curled up under the blankets and hugging a pillow. I still refuse to believe that my son is dead, I don't plan to do anything about it, but I refuse to believe that he's gone.

The bedroom door opened with a click and I continued staring at the wall.

"Kaitlyn," an Irish accent rang, "do you want anything? A drink, food?" Niall tried.

"No." I replied, Niall sighed and turned to leave.

"Hey, Niall?" I sat up, looking at him for the first time in a few days, he looked disheveled, dark shadows under his eyes and his hair was sticking up everywhere. I knew he wasn't getting sleep and it was probably because of me, I was too worried about Kellin Jr, and how I was going to cope, that I didn't even think about how it might effect the boys.

"Lay with me, please." I said, my voice almost a whisper. Niall blew out and peered out the doorway, scratching the back of his head.

"Alright." Niall agreed, kicking off his shoes, and climbing under the covers.

I cuddled close to him, and his warmth and foresty scent immediately made me feel better.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. I felt Niall chuckle next to me.

"What for?" he asked, and began stroking my hair. I sighed and looked up into his bright blue eyes.

"For doing this to you. I didn't think it would effect you so bad." I admitted, this made Niall smile.

"It's not entirely your fault, it's also mine, for worrying about you so much." Niall added. I could already feel tears welling up in my eyes again. The fact that Niall was worried about me, was too much to handle.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry, come on. At least not because of me." Niall wiped away a stray tear with the pad of his thumb. "If I ever hurt you, I'd probably kill myself." he admitted. I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"That's a bit dramatic don't you think?" I pondered, moving up a bit, so we were both eye level.

"No, not for me." Niall continued stroking my cheek, which was wiping away any tears that escaped.

"Niall?" I blinked away a few tears, sending them down my cheeks.

"Hm?" he looked at me, and I suddenly began leaning forward. What the hell was I doing? Kellin was my mate... Wasn't he?

Niall slowly began to lean forward, and after an agonizingly long time of leaning forward, our lips finally met. My senses exploded as soon as his lips kissed mine, electric shocks ran through my body and my heart began to speed up. I placed a hand on Niall's chest and found that his heart has sped up also.

The electric shocks became so intense, that my wolf was fighting to get out, and claim this perfect Irish guy as my mate.

Niall gently pulled on my bottom lip with his teeth and a moan escaped my lips as the electricity in my body ran faster and faster.

"Kaitlyn." Niall growled, it was obvious he was more wolf than human. "We need to stop." he growled, moving his hands down to my waist as I straddled him.

"I think, we both know, you don't want to." I panted, Niall's fingers dug into the bare skin of my waist and I whimpered. Niall's lips slowly began to move down my neck, he licked where my pulse throbbed and I was almost begging for him to mark me, and declare me as his mate.

Niall's canines elongated and they gently brushed the skin of my neck, making me shudder.

"Please, Niall, please." I whimpered. He slowly began to rub circles on my waist as he licked the throbbing pulse point on my neck. I went to speak again, but as he sunk his teeth into my neck, it turned into a moan. My wolf continued to struggle, trying to break free, and it took all of my focus to keep my wolf contained. When Niall removed his teeth, I was thoroughly disappointed. I heard the door click open and I turned to see a confused Kellin in the doorway.

"Um...I-" Kellin's voice cracked and he turned and stormed away, closing the door.


The effect of Niall claiming me as a mate buzzed through my veins, and it had obviously made me feel better, since I had exited my bedroom, and had eaten a meal for the first time in what felt like weeks.

I still felt horrible about what I did to Kellin, he was my best friend and I had hurt him horribly. On an even worse note, Kellin had left the house we were currently staying in, and that was eight hours ago. I refused to go to sleep, not until my best friend was safe inside this house. I kept looking out the window for any signs of movement, but there was nothing, I was scared that Kellin might not come back, he had to, no matter what happens, he said he would always come back. I couldn't stand to lose two Kellin's in such a short time span.

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