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~3 Years Later

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Kaitlyn hurry up! I've got the basket! Let's go!" Christian shouted from the lounge room. I smile and lift my 3 year old son Kellin. He had a mop of brown curls and Christian's gorgeous blue eyes.

"We go where mummy?" Kellin asked as I hunted for his shoes. I find them and put them on his feet.

"We're going to the park. We're gonna have a picnic." I said, blowing a raspberry on my sons cheek.

"Huwwy up! Daddy's gonna weave wivout us!" Kellin cried, bolting out the front door. I grab my iPhone and dash after my small child, buckling him into his car seat.

We got to the local park in record time, even after the stops we made for ice cream. As soon as the car stopped, Kellin unbuckled himself from his seat and dashed across the car to the playground.

"Be careful!" Christian and I shouted at the same time. Christian grabbed the picnic basket from the boot and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'm surprised you haven't stolen the food from me yet." Christian smiled down at me. I fake an expression of horror.

"How dare you! I do have some self control when it comes to food.... I think." I chimed, we strolled across the grass and found a beautiful spot underneath a willow tree. I lay down the blanket and jumped on it, snatching the food away from Christian and digging in to the sandwiches he had made. I was still terrible at cooking. Or making any food for that matter. Christian took his time laying the food out on the blanket. When he finished, he stared in to my brown eyes with his bottle blue ones.

"I can't believe we've actually had a child." Christian said happily.

"Neither can I, and a gorgeous one at that." I beamed proudly, putting a hand on Christian's shoulder and kissing him.

Kellin's P.O.V

Louis and Liam had decided to drag me and the rest of the boys to the park, we'd moved to another state, seeing as how all our bad memories were on our home state. Louis was bouncing up and down with a Frisbee, Harry was busy chatting up some gorgeous girls, Niall was eying the food, in what seemed like a staring competition, Zayn was lasing around on the grass and Liam was being good old daddy direction, making sure no one got hurt in the process of having fun. Then there was me, I had previously climbed up a tree and was enjoying the view and the cool breeze. It had been over 3 years since I'd seen Kaitlyn last and the thought of her still made my heart ache. Yes, it sounds pretty girly, but it's true. It was obvious everyone missed her, though we barely spoke about it.

"KELLIN NIALL KEY! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" someone shouted across the park, the voice was female, and shouted out my name. Well, part of my name. I peeked through the leaves and saw a tall girl with waist long, brown hair, stomping over to the playground. The way she walked triggered something in my memory.


It seemed the other boys noticed who she was too, because they ran over in a group with their arms spread wide shouting her name, not repeatedly, like: "Kaitlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyn!" More like that. I jumped down from the tree and instantly joined the boys in their long run across the park to my girl.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Kaitlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyn!" What the hell? A group of five or so boys shouted out my name as they ran across the park. Their arms spread wide. I lifted Kellin and held him to my hip. When the boys finally came to a stop in front of me, they were out of breath and red faced. All except for one, he had suspenders and stripes on. He was on the back of the one with the curly hair and emerald green eyes. I waited for them to speak as Kellin tried to squirm out of my arms.

"Kellin, stop, stay still, you can go play after you eat." I told my squirming child. He did as he was told and waited.

"Kaitlyn! We've missed you!" The one with stripes shouted, getting me in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked, the boys faces all fell. Except for one, he had pitch black hair that was around the nape of his neck, he seemed upset, but there was something in his eyes, telling me he was happy for something.

"Of course you do silly girl! Kellin's right there!" Stripe boy shouted, pointing to the boy with the black hair. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"No... Kellin's right here." I replied, nodding to my 3 year old. Christian approached and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"What's going on babe?" Christian asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I look up in to Christian's eyes, which I enjoyed doing so much.

"Do we know these boys?" I asked, motioning to the group of boys. Christian observed the group and shook his head.

"They're not apart of the pack, so I don't think so." Christian replied, looking as confused as I was. Well, this is weird.

Kellin's P.O.V

She was beautiful, I've forgotten how gorgeous she is, and she finally got that surgery, she can talk now. Her voice was beautiful. The little boy she held on her waist, had her amazing curly hair.

"Of course you do silly girl! Kellin's right there!" Louis shouted, pointing at me. Kaitlyn looked confused, even when she was puzzled, she looked gorgeous.

"No... Kellin's right here." Kaitlyn replied, nodding to the cute little boy in her arms. Did she really not recognise us? Have we changed that much? I mean, Niall's fully brunette now, and his hair is shorter, but the rest of us haven't changed at all. A guy with black hair approached and wrapped and arm around Kaitlyn's waist, planting a kiss on her cheek. Boom. Crash. Shatter. It felt like I was going through a heart attack, she was my mate. Mine. I could feel myself beginning to tremble, I wasn't even paying attention to what anyone was saying anymore. I was just trying to keep my wolf under control. Kaitlyn walked off with her son and black hair guy, he peered back towards us, his eyes full of worry, but most of all, hate.

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