"Feel The Payne Tonight."

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My eyes fluttered open from a dreamless sleep and I tried to sit up, but something was keeping me down. Kellin is laying in bed next to me, his arm around me and his leg on top of my hips. I silently giggled at this picture and tried to move his arm and leg, without waking him up. Kellin mumbled and I froze, please don't let me wake him up, let him sleep. I begged in my mind. Kellin stayed asleep, his limbs heavy on my small body. I had to get up, but Kellin needed sleep.

"Kaitlyn." Kellin mumbled, his lips kissing the pillow. I laugh and lift his face gently, pressing his lips to mine. The kiss immediately gets more heated as Kellin bites on my lower lip, begging for entry. He smiled at me. He was only asleep until I moved his arm, he knew this would happen. I pull away and climb out of bed. I was in on of Kellin's shirts and my undies, I can't quite remember the events from yesterday, except for the running, the rest had been forgotten, probably because of how tired I was. Kellin groaned and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back down on the bed, his lips finding mine and immediately asking for entry. I allow, and his tongue battles mine for dominance. Kellin's hands were firm on my hips, and mine were tangled in his hair. This was great. I felt like an absolute idiot with the way my thoughts were being strung together, like: "I like make-out sessions." My thoughts, if said aloud, would make me sound like a really big tart. I've straddled Kellin now, but we're only kissing, which is all I wanted it to be at this moment. The bedroom door opens.

"We have to get a move uuuuuhhhhhh...." Zayn says his cheeks flashing red. "Sorry I'll come back later."

"No, you're right, we have to get out of here." Kellin says. I sigh and get off of him, ushering him out so I could get dressed. After I dressed myself, I headed down to the hotel lobby, the boys were all there, waiting for me, Kellin and Niall both looked up as I made my way down the stairs. It was almost like I was walking down the aisle with the attention they're giving me.

"Where are we heading now?" I mouth to Kellin as he puts his arms around my waist. Liam sighs, gripping his quiff furiously with his hands, he was looking at a map, and didn't look very happy.

"We could try... I don't know." Liam says, all the boys were concentrating on the map, except for Niall, who was admiring the chocolate fountain, hands his pockets.

"Why don't we just move countries?" Harry suggests, shrugging. The other boys mull this over for a few seconds.

"Not a bad idea Styles." Kellin says, nodding and chewing on the inside of his cheek. My heart picked up. I've always wanted to go to Australia, someone please suggest that.

"Any places in particular that you want to go?" Liam asks, his hands had relaxed in his hair. Time to make my suggestion.

"Australia!" I pipe up through my vocal machine. Kellin grins at me.

"I knew you were going to say that." he tease. I shrug and bite my lip. Louis jumps on a couch, seated by the wall of the hotel lobby.

"YAY! WE'RE GOING TO STRAYA CUNT!" he shouted, jumping up and down on the couch. I laugh silently, my body shaking furiously. We head towards the hotel exit and Liam, being the responsible human being he was, had to do a head count before we left.

"Hmm. 6? Where's Niall?" Liam asks, looking around the lobby. Niall was being told off by the receptionist. Niall looked hurt, as if someone had told him food no longer existed. Liam's face scrunches up.

"I don't care what he did, she's wasting our time by telling him off." Liam grumbles and approaches Niall and the receptionist. The rest of us watched like it was a movie, Niall snuck away from the two, and came over to us. When Liam came back, he was smiling to himself, twiddling a piece of paper in his hands.

"Is that Niall's room service bill?" Zayn asks, reaching over my shoulder from behind, and snatching the little piece of paper. Liam smiled smugly.

"Nope. It's her phone number." Liam beamed proudly. Zayn whistled through his teeth.

"Danielle, damn, she's amazing." he said, looking the receptionist up and down. Liam shot him a glare and Zayn laughed quietly to himself.

"OOOOOOH DANIELLE WILL BE FEELING THE PAYNE TONIGHT!" Louis shouted. Danielle looked in our direction, but we scrambled out the door before she could see that Liam was with us.

"Where are we going?" Niall asked, not having paid any attention to our group discussion in the lobby. Kellin sighed angrily, he obviously doesn't like Niall very much.

"If you paid attention more, you would know, wouldn't you?" Kellin fired, I suddenly felt hot, like my skin was on fire.

"Maybe if you weren't such a dick I would pay attention!" Niall clenched his fists by his sides.

"What are you going to do about it? Get your gay band members to fight me?" Kellin motioned to the other members of One Direction.

"We're gay?! Have you seen your hair?!" Zayn was joining in too, what was going on?

"Says the one with a ski slope on top of his head!" Kellin retorts. Louis started to join in too.

"Get a hobby and fuck off!" Louis shouted, swinging a punch to Kellin's jaw, it only skimmed his jaw, leaving Kellin unharmed. Kellin swung a punch back and the boys got in to a punch up in the middle of the footpath, on an extremely busy street.

"Guys stop!" I shouted through my machine. I tried to pull Kellin off when he turned and punched me in the face powerfully, sending me a short way away. His eyes widened as he realised what he had done. Tears streamed down my face and I bolted away, in the direction of the farm, I think.

"Kaitlyn! Please wait! I'm sorry!" Kellin shouted after me. I ignored him and continued running, my eyesight turning red and my body trembling furiously. I could feel the trembling getting worse and worse, I made it to the forest at the front of the farm, before burning pains tore through my body and my skin ripped away, leaving me on all fours.

I didn't exactly know what happened, but I woke up naked in the middle of the forest, the cool air made me shiver uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around myself and trekked through the forest. I jumped at every sudden noise, being absolutely terrified, my body ached and I had no memory of how I got here. I sniffed and stepped over a fallen log. I rubbed my arms, trying to create friction, to warm myself up. The trees slowly started to disappear and the tall roof of the farm was in sight. Thank god, I need clothes and I need a shower, I reeked. I heard leaves rustle and pushed against a tree, my eyes clenched shut, my breathing became heavy. After a few short minutes, I decided to keep walking to the farm. I ran as fast as I could through the open space between the forest and the farm. I ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower, the hot water was on full blast, giving feeling to my limbs. I grabbed shorts and slouchy shirt before heading into the kitchen for something to eat. I made cereal and went to enter the lounge room but stopped short. I was sure I heard voices, I quietened my breathing and stopped chewing. There were voices, muffled, and they weren't familiar. I put my cereal bowl down carefully and pressed my ear to the door, separating the kitchen and the lounge room. Thankfully it was closed, so they didn't see me.

"This place stinks of her. She has to be here still." came a deep voice. My skin prickled, they meant me, I was sure of it.

"Dad, I saw her clothes in the forest, they were shredded. I think she's alone." it wasn't a voice of an adult, more of a kid my age, which I didn't understand. It suddenly went quiet, dread filled my stomach, please don't tell me they heard me.

"I smell her, its fresh, she's here." came another voice. I started to back away from the door when it swung open. I froze and the white haired guy made eye contact with me.

"Hey there beautiful."

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