Begging For More

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"Kellin no! Don't you're going to break the-" a shattering sound echoed through the room. "well it's too late now." Liam groaned. I opened my eyes and saw broken bits of lamp all over the floor. That's probably what the shattering was. I sat up slowly, realising I was on a couch. All I remembered was falling asleep in the van, then I woke up here.

"Go to your room." Liam ordered. Kellin jumped down from the cabinet where the lamp was and trudged to his room, his lip in a full pout.

"Who said you could treat my kid like that?" I teased, cracking my neck painfully. That couch was definitely not comfortable. Liam held a green dust pan in his hands, and scooped the dead lamp in to it with a matching mini broom.

"Kaitlyn Atkins?" Liam asked, looking up from the destroyed pieces of lamp. I stood up and stretched, my limbs and my back cracking nicely.

"Who else would it be?" I asked with a yawn. Liam smiled and emptied the contents of the dust pan into a bin.

"No one. I'll go tell the others you're awake, Kellin, your boyfriend Kellin, has been dying to see you." Liam dusted his hands off and disappeared through an arch doorway. There was a coffee table in the middle of the room and I hung upside down from it, making my back crack pleasantly.

"I knew you were supposed to be a part of the circus Kitty Kat." Kellin teased from the arch doorway. I laughed and hoisted myself up, so I was now sitting on the coffee table.

"Never sleep on that couch, it's terrible." I confessed, rubbing my lower back jokingly. Kellin chuckled.

"I know, I slept on it before you. The knots in my back are so sore." Kellin whined, stumbling over to the couch, he knelt in front of it and started attacking it with the side of his closed fists.

"Begone foul demon!" Kellin shouted at the couch, banging on it mercilessly. I laughed and caught his hands before he could attack the innocent couch anymore.

"I know it's evil, but it might have a family." I pointed out, this made Kellin stop.

"His wife won't be very happy with me. I just attacked her husband." Kellin said. I sat down on the coffee table and crossed one leg over the other.

"I can't believe I slept with another man." I said in a Westerner accent, putting the back of my hand on my forehead and leaning back dramatically, faking dizziness. Kellin shook his head at me, kissing me once on the lips.

"I can't believe how dramatic you are. By the way, your acting skills are pathetic." Kellin insulted, leaving the room through the same doorway he entered by. It was weird, when he kissed me, I felt nothing, no sparks or fireworks, like you were supposedly meant to feel, nothing. Just a peck on the lips, it had no effect on me whatsoever. Well, except for the confusion, but other than that, no effect. Which is strange, before I felt something, now it all seemed so dull. Maybe he felt that same? I don't know, I just wasn't used to no sparks when Kellin kissed me.

I skipped to the kitchen happily and stopped short.

"I don't want you going near her, she's mine." Big Kellin hissed.

"You haven't bitten her yet, so she could be anyone's." Niall hissed back. What was going on?

"I swear to God, if you touch her." Kellin said furiously. I couldn't take this, not after recent events. It was like the outside layer of skin shed away, and I was a different person.

"Where are the condoms, the guys I have in my room need them." I lean against the kitchen door frame, blowing a gum bubble. I was in my bras and undies, and I could feel the two boys eyes raking up my body.

"If you want it, come get it." I said, walking over to the kitchen drawer, and grab a roll of glad wrap and wave it around.

"I guess this will have to do." I muttered. Seeing how thick it was. Kellin was the first to talk.

"Who are you and what have you done with Kaitlyn?" Kellin asked. I chuckled.

"I'm Kat, Kaitlyn's still here, I'm just sharing her body. I'm sure you won't mind that." I whispered to Kellin, pressing my lips against his ear lobe. Niall took a step forward.

"Wait, you have guys in your room?" Niall asked. I nodded and popped another gum bubble.

"Believe it or not, this gum wasn't even mine to start with. He's such a good kisser." I said and exited the kitchen and Kellin caught my arm, his eyes full of lust and possession.

"Don't you dare go up there." Kellin ordered. I smirked and stuck a hand in his back jeans pocket.

"Why you jealous? I can tell blue eyes over there is, and I haven't even kissed you yet." I pointed out. Niall blushed behind Kellin and I refrained from laughing at his reaction.

"Possibly." Kellin smirked, placing his hands on my bare waist.

"Stop! It's not Kaitlyn, it's her body, but it's not her, that's practically cheating." Niall observed. I swore under my breath.

"Damn. Oh well, toodles, the boys in my room are waiting." I said, wiggling my fingers in a wave.

Kellin's P.O.V

"Damn. Oh well, toodles, the boys in my room are waiting." Kat said, disappearing into her secluded room.

What had just happened? She was Kaitlyn Atkins a little while ago, then she turned into Kat. I've heard of things like this happening in tv shows, but haven't actually encountered them in real life. I grabbed my phone and dialled Alpha's number, we seemed to be bugging him a lot.

He answered immediately, his tone neither one of anger, nor caring.

"Quinn, what's the problem?" Alpha asked, I thought out the best way to describe it and came up with nothing. Niall snatched the phone away.

"She's got alternate personalities." Niall said. "Yes I mean Kaitlyn." He added. "Well, I think it might be the stress she's going through with..." Niall faded off. "Something." He finished. What did he mean about: "Something?" Seriously, all this shit was starting to fuck me off. I jumped as a loud thud emitted from upstairs there were a couple of giggles, then I remembered what Kat said: she has other guys in her room. I froze and dashed to her room, throwing the door open, smashing it into the wall. Kaitlyn... I mean Kat, was standing there, in her underwear, playing Wii tennis whilst one of the guys was kissing her neck. I punched him in the face and threw him off and Kat was jumping on the messy bed, waving the Wiimote around frantically.

"I don't think there's any batteries in the remote. I was looking forward to Wii Tennis more than sex." Kat took the batteries out of the Wiimote and threw them in the bin. At least she didn't do anything with the guys. She sat on the bed and eyed the guy I'd punched, he was holding his blood nose, and bolted out, not bothering to put his shirt on.

"Aw. You hurt him. You're like my dad." Kat groaned and exited the room. I tidied up the Wii and headed downstairs. Kat was talking to Kellin Jr.

"So, basically, babies are made, when your mum and dad fuck." She explained to the three year old. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked away, she seemed upset over the lack of entertainment from the confusion she could've gotten out of the little boy. Kat was perched on the back of the couch, her bare feet resting in the seat cushions. She had a lollipop hanging out of her mouth and she was flicking through the channels, she landed on some sort of soap opera.

"Come on Johnny! Fuck her hard! Leave her begging for more!" Kat cheered. I gave her a direct slap across the face and turned the tv off.

"I don't know what's going on, but give me my Kaitlyn back." I ordered. Kat smiled and rolled the lollipop stick between her index finger and her thumb.

"She doesn't wanna come back, not yet. I'll let you know when she wants to." Kat threw the lollipop in the bin and lay down on the couch, curling up and closing her eyes to sleep.

This is weird, I never expected anything like this to happen, especially not to Kaitlyn.

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