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My work shift was awful tonight. I was tired from the lack of sleep since I had to study, and the loud noises that came from the bar made me have a headache. The customers seemed to be extra annoying tonight, not really minding that I was also a human being and couldn't split myself in two to help more of them. I just hoped it would over as soon as possible, so I could go home and sleep for three years.

It was eleven now, and I was cleaning up some glasses. Usually, the bar would die down now and people would move to parties around the area, but tonight it seemed to carry on longer. I sighed and looked around, seeing everyone was served. I walked past a few empty tables to pick up some more glasses. Just when I put them on the bar for Jack so clean, someone grabbed me by my wrist.

"Hey!" I shrieked, pulling my grip out of theirs. I looked up and was met with an unfamiliar man. I had seen him here before two or three times, but we never spoke. He was a little older than me – mid thirties, I think – and had a small beard that was beginning to grow. He was so close to me that I could smell the alcohol in him.

"Hi, beautiful. Can I get a drink?" he asked – or more slurred. He pulled me closer by my waist and I pushed him away, not wanting to be closer to him.

"Get away from me," I spoke. However, he did not listen.

"I think you owe me a drink. I have been trying to get your attention all night," he said. He held a different tone with me now, suddenly sounding way more possessive.

"I don't owe you shit. I don't even know you," I complained. I was still trying to push him away from me, but he was a lot stronger.

"I'll be the judge of that," he smiled. His head dipped and his face came closer. God, if he was going to kiss me now, I would surely throw up on him.

"I said no, dickhead," I said, now with a louder voice.

I pushed him away once more and kicked him in the balls. He grunted and fell on the ground, grasping onto the pained place that I just forcefully hit. Serves him right for being an asshole. I looked around the café, seeing everyone was quiet now, looking at me.

Ripping off my apron, I walked around the bar to the backdoor, pushing it open. I breathed in the cold air and as soon as it hit my lungs, I felt like I could breathe again. I leaned against the brick wall, slowly catching my breath. The door next to me opened again, and my brother walked out. He stood next to me, rubbing my back.

"Are you okay, Lo?" he asked softly. He had to know that this kind of thing happens when you work as a woman in a bar or restaurant.

"I just need a minute. Then I'll be fine," I answered. I leaned my head against the wall and looked at him. He smiled at me and did our symbol, which I returned.

"I'm pretty sure Roger is giving that man a hard time right now," he said when we heard the loud voices from inside.

"Roger needs to stop fighting my battles for me," I complained. I was perfectly fine of doing it myself. I was an in depended woman who didn't need another man to make her feel worthy.

My brother didn't say anything as he pulled me in for a hug. He was one of the few that I would show my vulnerable side to. I held onto him for as long as I needed, and he let me. We looked at each other and before we knew it, we burst out laughing. Thank god I had at least this man that I could trust.

"We have so much to talk about," Mary said as we sat down in one of the booths. I was lunching with her and Delilah at one of our favourite places. We hadn't really gone out that much since Delilah and I were so busy with school and Mary with work. Also, Mary was with Freddie now and they spent all the time together.

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