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My brother parked the car in front of our childhood home. We had been living together on our own since we started Uni, but mum invited us back per usual for dinner. She thought we couldn't take care of ourselves and never ate a good meal - she wasn't wrong about the meal part.

"I hope we eat fast. I have a gig and I prefer not to be late." my brother muttered when he stepped out of the vehicle. I rolled my eyes at his remark.

"With Smile? How many people will be coming, like ten?" I joked. "I have to work, remember? Good thing I brought earplugs." He shoved me aside as we walked up the steps of the veranda. Before we could even knock, the door swung open revealing our mother, wearing a dark green apron.

"Oh, my babies! I have missed you!" she cried out. She threw her arms around us both at the same time. My mother was more the emotional type of woman, not being able to handle that her two kids both moved out at the same time.

"Hi, mum." I sheepishly smiled at her. My brother gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked past her into the house.

"Look at you, you're so beautiful." she ran her fingers through my brown curls. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house. I hung my coat and followed her to the living room.

"Hi, dad." I greeted my father. He sat in his usual chair, reading the newspaper. When he heard my voice, he closed the paper and stood up.

"Lotus, darling. You look so good." he pulled me in for a hug. Brian walked in, also getting a big hug from our father.

My parents were the most supportive as they could be. They encouraged us to be us, not to be something people wanted us to be. When we both went off to Uni, they told us that whatever we would pick to study - they would love it. Brian and I had a happy childhood, full of love and happiness. I couldn't think of a better way to grow up.

"Dinner's ready." my mum called from the kitchen. We all took a seat at the dining table as she served all the dishes. Mum was the best cook in the world. And every time we would come for dinner, she'd always made sure it was a feast to remember. I smiled at her as she began assembling everyone's plate. My father and Brian were engaged in a conversation about whatever was on the news nowadays. They were practically the same, only dad didn't have the passion for music my brother so graciously owned.

"How's school?" mum asked as we all sat down and started eating. Brian looked at me, motioning for me to go first. I rolled my eyes, why must I always go first? He knew he'd outshine me anyway.

"I have a big test for neurology coming up next week, so I'm just studying for that night now," I told them.

If you'd met me, you wouldn't think that I would be your average medical student, but I was. I had a fascination for it ever since I was younger, always liking to know what was going on inside the human body. When the time had finally come and I had finished college, I was more than ready to dive into the world. And I still loved it.

"How'd you do with that last one for radiology?" my father asked me. I took a sip of my water.

"It was fine, but I'm not really interested in radiology or oncology" I said. They all looked at me, waiting for the answer to a question that no one asked. "I like neurology and cardiology the most."

"Well, whatever you do, you are going to be great at it. I'm sure you'd make an excellent doctor one day." my mum said, squeezing my hand.

Brian told them about his recent test and how what he really found interesting. I didn't have half a clue what his study was about. I didn't know anything about astrophysics. About just as much as he knew about medicine, which was also not a lot.

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