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Dating Chris was different than I had expected. He was thoughtful. He called me every two to three days, asking me how I was doing and making small conversation. It was always about me, and when I asked him how he was he always said; that's something to worry about for another time. I saw him at Uni every now and then, since he wasn't in the same building as I was. He wasn't ashamed of showing me off though, since he had kissed me on the parking lot before.

We weren't exclusive. I had made him clear that I didn't want to be yet, because I wasn't much of a relationship type. Although I could see myself with him, I was still apprehensive. Things didn't move too fast for me, but when he asked about meeting my parents anytime soon after a couple of weeks, I told him I wasn't ready. At all.

He seemed to be patient enough, which worried me sometimes. My brother had said it to me many times, but there was a big chance that I might end up hurting this guy. I didn't want to believe it, because I was never someone to be unfaithful. I wasn't a relationship person either, but I would never purposely hurt someone.

"I know you're not, Lo. That isn't the point and you know it," my brother said when we talked about it last week. I had rolled my eyes while taking another bite of my bagel. He always told me I didn't let my wall down with guys, but I thought he was exaggerating. At some point I would, but I needed to test the waters first.

Apart from seeing Chris once every few days, I didn't have a lot going on. I helped Mary move the rest of her stuff into her new place with Freddie and had dinner with them afterwards. God, when I looked at them, I was hoping they'd get married one day. They were honestly made for each other.

Today was a Friday. I had gotten ready this morning with good energy for my morning classes – which rarely happened. My brother wasn't home, he stayed at Chrissie place more and more these days. Having the apartment for myself was a good free feeling. I got ready while listening to music on our record player, dancing through the house.

When I got to Uni, the place was packed. I could hardly find a spot to park. It seemed like it took ages for me to finally find one, park and get out. I walked over to my classes, pushing through multiple people. Was it a special day that I had forgotten about? I stopped and looked around me to see if I recognized someone, but these people all seemed to be younger than I was. Suddenly, someone wrapped his arms around me.

"Hi," I heard Chris' voice whisper in my ear. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I laughed and turned around in his arms.

"Hey there, stranger. You scared me there," I joked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a long kiss. "Do you know what's going on here?"

"Open house! I have to show around some people that want to attend here," he explained. I had heard some vague talked going around that it was going to be a thing this year, but as usual I wasn't invested in those things. I was here to graduate and not do anything else.

"Sounds great," I smiled at him. I played with the little hair at the nape of his neck. "Why don't you come to my place after?"

"I'd love that," he answered. We were interrupted by someone calling his name and telling him they needed him. He sighed and gave me last kiss. "I'll see you tonight."

"Bye," I said softly. He walked away, joining the group of people that were waiting for him. I smiled when I saw how he was connecting with them, all giving him his full attention.

After that, the day went by quickly. My two classes took as long as they always did, but somehow it went by faster. When I was done, the open house day had mostly ended. I could walk to my car in peace, taking my time in starting it and pulling out of the parking lot. The ride home was a different story, because it was rush hour.

I got home to an empty house, setting my stuff down in my room and stripping myself of my clothes. I got into some comfortable ones, picking an old shirt from my brother and a pair of shorts. I made a little snack for myself before sitting down in the living room and turning the telly on. There wasn't anything interesting on tv, but I didn't care.

The hours ticked by and before I knew it, there was a knock on the door. I turned the telly off and stood up from the couch to open the door. Chris was revealed behind it. His lips turned into a smile when he saw me and he stepped in, giving me a kiss.

"Hi," he greeted me.

"Hi," I said against his lips. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. He smiled again when I let go. "How was it?"

"Dreading at the end," he joked. He took of his coat, hanging it up beside mine. I walked to the kitchen.

"You want anything?" I asked him while opening the fridge. There wasn't anything in there except some beers, cheese and water. I closed it again and turned around, bumping into his chest.

"Yeah, you," he said before pressing his lips against mine. I didn't protest this, at all.

His hands grabbed my waist and mine were tangled in his hair. I pulled on the roots, making him moan in my mouth. He picked me up and set me on counter. I wrapped my legs around his. His mouth moved from mine to my neck and started giving me kisses along my collarbone. I closed my eyes, breathing in and out softly. I felt how his hands moved themselves under my shirt, closer to my breasts.

I got lost in the moment, letting myself get carried away. My hands travelled to his broad shoulders, making their way down till they were at the hem of his shirt. I let my hands slip under it. He pulled back and wanted to take it off, but was stopped when they was a knock on the door.

"Ignore it," I told him. I pulled him closer to me before, pressing my lips against his again.

The knocking on the door didn't stop, it only got louder. Chris pulled away this time and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I hopped off the counter, pulling my shirt straight while I was at it. When I opened the door and saw who was standing behind it, I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot my key," Brian said. He gave me a kiss on the cheek as he walked in, revealing Roger behind him. "Oh, hi Chris."

I sighed, opening the door further to let Roger in too. I walked back to the table, sitting on one of the chairs. He closed the door behind him but stood by it awkwardly. He didn't know what kind of attitude to show.

"How were rehearsals?" I asked. That's all they did nowadays. They either rehearsed, partied of occasionally studied.

"Yeah, good," Brian responded with a shrug. He rummaged through the fridge to find something to eat. When he discovered there wasn't anything there, he closed it again. Chris walked over and sat next to me.

Just for a second, I looked at Roger. He was playing with the hem of his shirt. He looked a little out of place, like something had been going on and he didn't feel like he belonged anymore. He almost seemed a bit down.

"What do you want for dinner tonight, Lo?" my brother asked me.

I looked at Chris. "Are you staying?"

"Uh, sure. Why not," he said. His thick American accent was something I was getting used to, but every time my brother and Roger heard it, there were always a bit shocked.

"Something easy, then," I said. My brother grabbed his keys.

"I'll be back in a minute," he said. Together with Roger he left again. As soon as the door closed, I stood up and walked to my room. I turned around to look at Chris for a minute, who was eying me from up and down.

"Don't you want to continue where we left off?" 


shorter chapter sorry!

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