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get ready for a character comeback... 

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Being pregnant might've been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Roughly four years ago I screamed out the words never wanting a baby, but I take everything I said back. The feeling that came with realizing there was an actual human being growing in my stomach was surreal and magical at the same time.

After finding out I was pregnant, we made an appointment to see the doctor. The obstetrician at the hospital I worked, was one of the best ones in the country. I already knew her, which made me much more comfortable. We went in for a check-up and she told me I was four weeks along.

Back on the way home, I was bombarded with questions from Roger as to what would happen, the risks and how this pregnancy would take form. I answered them happily since most of the time these were told in by the OB, but she didn't elaborate that much since she knew I was aware of most things already.

It was cute to see Roger getting so worked up. I didn't mind telling him – and re-telling him – all the things that would most likely happen during this time. How the first trimester would take place and then the second, and lastly the third. I also warned him I didn't know how my body would respond since it was different for everyone.

He had almost cancelled the tour. Really, he was getting close to picking up the phone and calling Reid. I told him that it was not necessary to stay. There was nothing to worry about. I worked at a hospital, so if worst came to worst I would be cared for immediately.

Today I had to do rounds at the E.R. I worked there before I specialised and really enjoyed it. Since they were low on staff for the last few weeks, everyone here and there had to help. I had no problem with doing so. Most people came in with little things, like a cut in their foot or a bruised ankle. They could be discharged very fast and make room for more patients.

My co-worker Jennifer had asked me to check out a patient just before I went to lunch, which I happily did for her. The patient was laying in curtain three. I walked in and grabbed the clipboard off the end of the bed.

"Hi, I'm Dr Taylor. How can I help you today?" I asked.

"You're carrying the Taylor name now?" a familiar American voice asked. I only knew one man in England who had one of those and when I looked up, I was greeted by the smiling face of Chris.

I almost didn't recognize him due to the beard he had now. He was also thinner than I remembered him to be. With his long physique just fitting on the bed, he looked small and like a kid, almost. If I could imagine him without the beard, then he hadn't changed at all. Just got a little older, but nothing more.

"I am, I thought you'd be in America by now?" I asked. He had told me when we still saw each other that after he was done, he'd move back.

"That was the plan, but I got a job offer here that I couldn't turn down," he explained. I smiled. I was happy that he stayed here. It would've been a shame if we never saw each other again. "I see Queen's doing quite well."

"They are. They're touring right now, too," I told him. I leaned my hands on the side bars of the bed.

"Do people bug you because of your last name?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "Not really. I carried the May name before this one, so nothing really changed."

"I'm happy for you," he genuinely said. Chris had always been such a nice guy. He never hurt me, was unkind to me or did something to lose my respect for him. I did him wrong, something I still think about.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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