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The sound of a car honking woke up the next morning. I tried to ignore it, but it was impossible. After your ears wake up, you hear all the sound around you. I wanted to turn around and continue sleeping, but something was holding me tight. Or better yet, someone. Two strong arms were wrapped around my body, holding me close to another body. I heard the soft sound of snoring in my ear and it only took me two seconds to remember the night before.

I was so tired, that I had given up on my ability to argue when Roger came into my room last night, claiming the living room was too cold. It was only September, so that seemed unlikely. I told him he could sleep here if he wouldn't bother me again, and now here I was. Bothered.

Slowly, I managed to get his arms off my body. He was a heavy sleeper apparently, that way I didn't need to worry for him to wake up. I slid out of bed, looking at the long old shirt I was wearing. I wasn't wearing trousers and if I walked, you had a clear shot at my bum. Not only I slept in the same bed as Roger, but I also slept in my knickers.

After taking a quick stop at the bathroom, I grabbed a hair tie and tied my brown hair up in a ponytail. I walked to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water before putting it on the stove. I heard it boil softly, giving it a little time and turning around, leaning against the counter.

"Good morning," I told my brother. He was sitting at the dining table, reading today's newspaper. He was dressed already as if he needed to be somewhere. "Are you going somewhere?"

"No, I just got back from the store. It's one in the afternoon, Lo," he said, smiling. My eyes widened when I heard that. I poured some hot water in a mug with a teabag. I was debating on making Roger some too, but he was still asleep anyway. I sat down at the dining table across from my brother. "I got fresh bagels, too. You know, the ones to you like so much."

"Thanks," I said softly. I took a sip of the hot drink in my hands. Brian closed the newspaper and folded his hands over each other. He knew something was going on. "What?" I shrugged, trying to get his eyes off of me.

"Nothing," he threw back at the same tone. He wanted to say something else but was interrupted by Roger stumbling into the kitchen. I turned around and saw he was wearing the same trousers as last night, but his upper body was missing a shirt.

"Good morning," he said, yawning. He looked around the kitchen and grabbed a cup, using the tea bag I had left on the counter to brew another cup. He looked in the cupboard, seeing the fresh bagels. "Can I have one of those?" he asked.

"After you tell me why you just came stumbling out of my sister's room, sure," my brother said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I could've seen this coming, hell I could've even prevented it from happening.

"He stumbled into my room when he was drunk and came here. Nothing happened," I told him. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. We did in fact spooned, I don't know for how long, but we did. I eyed Roger to see him already looking at me.

"Yeah, I was close by. Didn't feel like going back to my own place," he played along. Brian nodded. Roger saw this as a sign that he could grab one of the bagels, and his hand pulled two out of the bag. Just when I wanted to protest, I saw he put each one on a separate plate. He turned to me. "Toasted with butter, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks," I answered. How did he even know how I ate my bagel? I didn't recall ever telling him. Even though it was such a little thing, for Roger it was big. He usually didn't remember what someone liked except for himself.

"Alright, I am going to see Chrissie. You two, be nice to each other," my brother said, standing up. He grabbed his jacket and turned to me, giving me a kiss on my forehead. I knew he was telling us to be nice because we were usually fighting, but still. He didn't have to.

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