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Dinner went smoothly. Mrs. Taylor had made a lovely meal – being aware that I was a vegetarian which I really appreciated. Roger must've told her. I could tell they were quite the bickering family. Especially him and Clare. They almost had a comment on everything the other one did.

"So, Lotus, what do you do?" Mr. Taylor asked me. I moved the beans around on my plate, looking up nervously.

"I am a medical student," I answered. He looked at me impressed. That was always a point maker.

"Well, then you must be smarter than my brother," Clare commented.

I chuckled and looked at Roger. "I must be."

He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his water. Clare and I both laughed. Under the table, I could feel that he laid a hand on my thigh and squeezed it. This was the I will punish you for that-move. I laid my hand on his and played with the gold ring around his finger.

"And you live with your brother, right?" Mrs. Taylor asked.

"Yes, we share a place. Lately we haven't been seeing each other much, though. We're both so busy," I explained. Ever since both of us got a relationship, we weren't home all the time and saw each other way less. Whenever Roger was at our place, Brian was at Chrissie's and the other way around.

The rest of the meal kind of went alright. There weren't any questions that made me uncomfortable, and Roger's mum wasn't making me uncomfortable either. After dinner, I offered to help her take some plates to the kitchen, but she shut me down quickly. She did it herself and came back with desert.

Roger decided that he wanted to show me the whole house after desert. I happily obliged, also because I knew better than to disagree with him when he had an idea. He took my hand and guided me up the stairs. There were all sorts of pictures hanging on the wall up the stairs, different ones from the family and him together with his sister.

When we got upstairs, there were four different doors. The first one he showed me, was the bathroom – it looked like a normal bathroom. The second one was his sisters' room. She seemed to have been the art student when she was in school, because there were paintings hanging on the wall. It still looked like someone lived here, even though that wasn't the case.

The third room was his parent's bedroom, but I didn't really feel comfortable entering that. Roger sensed that and took me to the last room, which was his old bedroom.

Immediately when I entered, I was blown away by the smell of smoke and cologne. That wasn't going away any time soon, it seemed. He had a twin bed in the right corner, a messy nightstand next to it and across from that his desk. There wasn't any stuff on there, but I assumed that it would be crowded when he lived here. In the opposite corner there was a small closet. There were also some pictures of barely clothes girls hanging on the wall.

"Fourteen-year-old Roger was already cheeky, huh?" I joked, pointing at the pictures. He chuckled and sat on the bed. I thought his room was kind of cute. It looked nothing like my brother's when we lived at home, but he was the odd one out.

"My parents really like you," he spoke. I turned around and looked at him. "Turns out you were nervous for nothing."

I shook my head and walked over to him. He pulled me in between his legs and wrapped his arms around my legs. "Seems that way, doesn't it?"

I squealed when his hands squeezed my ass and he pulled me onto his lap. I let my hands roam over his face. Today his eyes had a peaceful expression in them. They looked happy, content with the moment. They may be one of my favourites – except for the turned-on eyes.

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