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The morning after, I woke up next to Chris for the first time. We had spent the night together and it was nice. He was gentle and loving, everything a girl could ask for. He was still sleeping when I got up to take a shower, and I decided to let him for now. It was still early, I didn't have any classes and was just planning on staying at home to study.

I took a long and hot shower, washing my hair and body. Yesterday my brother had come back from the market alone, to my relieve. That meant no awkward stares from Roger to sit through while having dinner. For some reason I was a little sad that he wasn't there, but I told myself that it was probably just pity I was feeling.

After a few minutes, I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel from the rack next to it. I dried my hair and body softly before hanging it up and putting on a robe. I went on with my usual morning routine; brushing teeth, using moisturizer, plucking some lost eyebrows hair and lastly combing through my hair with a tooth comb.

"Good morning," I heard my brother say. He walked in and grabbed his toothbrush. His hair was looking like a bird's nest, curls sticking out from all sides.

"Morning," I said back, spitting out the remainder of the toothpaste and washing my mouth. "Going anywhere today?"

"Just Chrissie's, that's it," he answered. I grabbed the wet towel and hung it over the dry rack before walking out and heading back to my room.

Chris was still vast asleep when I walked in. He hadn't moved at all. He was laying on back, one arm over his chest and the other across the bed. His mouth was agape and soft snores where escaping from it. I sat on the edge of the bed and gently rubbed his arm to wake him up.

His eyes flickered open. He smiled when he saw me and yawned, stretching out. He grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss.

"Hi," I said softly.

"Hi," he said. His voice was still a bit raspy.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Like a baby."

"Do you have any plans for today?" I asked. I stood up and walked to my closet, picking out some clothes to wear today. I wasn't planning to go out, but I still wanted to look a little nice.

"I have class at around ten," he said. He stood up and grabbed his clothes. I checked the time, seeing it was seven thirty now. "I want to swing by my apartment before to get some clean clothes. Have you seen my pants?"

"You mean, your trousers? Right there," I pointed at my desk chair. He shook his head at my correction. We often had those. He also pronounced words a lot different from me, but I could hear he was already using some British words. He didn't say toilet anymore, he said loo now.

"And you?" he asked me, meaning my plans for the day.

"Just have to get some reading done," I shrugged. I put on some trousers and a shirt. "Shall I make some breakfast?"

"Yes, please," he smiled and gave me a kiss.

We had some breakfast together, consisting out of eggs and beans, because Chris was asking for some. After that, he left, but not before kissing me goodbye multiple times. I cleaned up the mess from breakfast, doing some dishes and cleaning the table. Then I grabbed my books and went to work.

My day went by quicker than I thought. I was soaked up in reading and highlighting important parts that I could later use for my summary. My brother left around twelve, telling me that he probably wouldn't be back until later tonight. I wasn't bummed, this gave me more peace and quiet to work through the day.

The clock had just told me it was four in the afternoon when there was a knock on the door. My head shot up, pulling itself out of the deep concentration that I was in. I stood up, stretching my limbs before walking to the door and opening it. Like any other day, it was Roger standing on the other side.

"Hi," he smiled. His attitude was much different from yesterday.

"What's the occasion?" I asked, opening the door to let him in. He practically lived here, I couldn't exactly leave him standing outside.

"I just need to pick up some music that Brian wrote," he said. He pushed a hand through his hair. It was as messy as ever.

"Well, you know the way," I motioned to the hallway that led to my brother's room.

He walked towards it and I heard him rummaging through it. I made my way over to the stove, putting the kettle on to make some tea. Or maybe even coffee. I needed energy if I was planning on getting more reading done.

Less than a minute later, Roger appeared again with a stack of papers in his hand. He folded them again, putting them in the inside pocket of his jacket. Then he just went on to stand against the counter, looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked him. It was rude to stare.

"Just want to chat. How's mister America?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at him. Why did he always ask about Chris? Didn't he have his own life to worry about?

"He's doing great. Thinks you don't like him very much," I answered.

"Well, he happens to be right," he confirmed. I nodded, thought so.

"Why? He's always been nice to you," I spoke. Chris had even attempted to introduce himself to Roger officially multiple times, but he never seemed to be in the mood.

"Have you seen how he dresses? Like a thirty-five-year-old man," he scoffed. I chuckled.

"He does not, and we're not that far away from being thirty," I said.

"Still, he seems boring,"

"He isn't!"


I pushed him playfully and he laughed. Soon enough I joined him, and our two laughs echoed through the house. It died down again and it was silent. We both stood there. He looked at me. I felt a bit awkward just standing here and doing nothing.

When I looked up at him, I fell right into those light blue eyes. Those that made me so angry, but also curious because I wanted to know what was behind them. He moved his face a little closer, just an inch. I could feel his breath on my tongue. It was the usual taste, cigarettes and mint. The faint smell of his cologne filled my nostrils.

He only seemed to come closer, and closer, and closer. Until I felt his soft lips on mine. It started as a small kiss, him testing the waters. He let go for a second and I breathed in, pressing mine against his again. I let my lust take over, not thinking for a while. Just turning it off.

We turned around, and he pushed me against the table. I heard something falling, but I didn't care. He hoisted me up by legs before putting my down on the table. Everything around me suddenly didn't make sense anymore. It was just him.

He cupped my cheek with his hand and mine went in his hair. His tongue danced together with mine. I would lie if I said I wasn't enjoying it. I felt a fire, a hunger in my that needed to be stilled. That was until a name popped into my head.


I immediately pushed Roger off me, breathing heavily and pushing my hands through my hair. I hopped off the table, making sure there was enough space between us for it not to happen again.

"No, stop. That shouldn't have happened," I concluded. Roger stayed silent. I heard him sigh as I turned around, looking at him. What was I thinking letting that happen?

"Lotus," he started, but I held up my hand. He closed his mouth again and just looked at me.

"I think you should go," I quietly said.

There was no response. I turned towards the window, waiting until I heard the front door open and close before finally breathing in and out again. That just made everything so much more complicated. 


a little short, sorryyyyy

thanks so much for 1K!

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