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Organizing a surprise trip for your husband while seeing him every day was very difficult. I had underestimated how difficult it was going to be. Lying to him was one thing but planning it and packing was another. He could see right through me. One wrong question and everything would fall apart.

Roger packed all of his stuff and I told him goodbye. He was sad to go, but it was for the better. They had to make a killer album, and it wasn't going to work out in the studio here. He promised to call every day and made me promise that I wouldn't work too hard – how could I keep that one when I was a doctor was the real question.

We did manage to pull it off. After he had left, I got busy. I called the girls over and while I made dinner they discussed when we would leave. We decided to do it more towards the end. That way they could get an easy pick me up and enjoy it more. Chrissie said Brian didn't suspect anything. Now I had to lie to him too, which I totally forgot.

I threw myself into work for the upcoming weeks. Roger called every night, just as he promised. It was always really good to hear his voice. I missed him so much. He always had another story to tell me, which baffled me.

"How is recording going?" I asked him one night. I was lying in bed already, ready to sleep after our call.

He sighed. "It's... going. Something is missing, though. We haven't figured out what yet."

"I'm sure you will soon enough. You are all musical geniuses, writing the best songs," I pep-talked him. He laughed and I heard how he lit a cigarette.

I could just picture what he was looking like right now. Sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard. Hair a mess from running his hands through it all day. Smoking the before bed cigarette while holding the phone to his ear.

"How many of the songs you write are about me?" I asked. I had been curious about this for years.

"All of them. At least, I always have you in mind when I write. My little muse," he answered.Little muse. Those were words I could hear all the time.

I smiled, looking at my hands. "How do you still give me butterflies even after so long?"

"How do youstill make me have butterflies?" he rephrased the question.

I chuckled to myself. "I miss you, Rog."

"I miss you too, baby," he softly said. I heard rustling on the other end of the line and a sigh. He was getting tired, so was I.

I really wanted to tell him that he would see me soon, but I could not ruin this surprise. Mary and Delilah knew I couldn't lie to Roger, and they gave me strict rules of what I should do when I got in an uncomfortable conversation about where I would be next week.

We ended the call soon after. I needed to go to sleep because tomorrow was a busy workday again. But when I got to the hospital, I couldn't focus on work. I did my usual rounds, I helped with some consults. When the day was close to ending and I sat down in my office, I realized I had been on automatic pilot all day.

I decided to go home early. There was nothing else I could do, and I would hate to be too distracted with patients. Just as I was packing my bag, there was a knock on my office door. I quickly glanced over to my calendar. Maybe in my state of oversight I missed that I had an appointment, but I didn't.

"Come in," I called. The door opened and Marco Sand popped his head in. He was the medical director of the hospital. He was a really nice man, but I had never really spoken to him one on one before. Since this was the first time, it made me think I had done something bad. "Mr. Sand, what can I do for you?"

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