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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. The pillow next to me was still warm, which meant that he hadn't gotten up that long ago. I looked at the clock, seeing that it told me it was about nine in the morning. The sheets were neatly covering my body – not due to myself since I always moved a lot in my sleep.

When I sat up and got a look at the room, I wasn't surprised to see it was an absolute mess. There were clothes everywhere. I couldn't make out which were dirty, and I doubt Roger knew that himself. I sighed, getting up and walking to my suitcase. I grabbed some clean clothes, getting ready for the day.

After I got dressed, I realised that I had forgotten to bring a jumper. It was quite chilly outside, so my thin shirt would not be enough. I looked through Roger's suitcase, where I found one. I put it on and made my way toward the kitchen.

I could already hear them arguing from a mile away. It was always the same around this time. When they recorded an album, they couldn't stop arguing about anything and everything. Whose song got on the album, and which place? They always made tweaks to each other's writing, which irritated all their egos. I was curious to figure out what it was about this morning.

"I put my heart and soul into this song," I heard Roger say as I was getting closer. He sounded agitated.

"And no one is disputing that," Deaky responded. The peacemaker of the group.

Roger ignored him, continuing to make his point. "And you don't like it, because you want your songs on the album."

"Good morning, everybody. Hope you are all well," I walked in right at that moment, grabbing a cup of tea for myself. I rubbed Roger's arm and he gave me small smile.

Roger was standing by the stove, making his own breakfast. Brian and Deaky were sitting at the table. Brian looked at me and smiled. I hadn't spoken to him much yet since coming here. We were overdue for a chat.

"Good morning, Lotus," Deaky responded. He turned to my husband again. "It's not that, Roger."

"Then what is it?" Roger called out, getting more frustrated with the minutes passing by. I leaned against the counter and watched the scene unravel in front of me. I knew better than to insert myself in situations like this, but it was still entertaining to watch.

"I'm In Love With My Car?" Brian repeated the song title. I hadn't heard it yet, so I didn't know what it was about, but the title revealed it already. Deaky and my brother both look at each other with an obvious expression and I chuckled.

"I know, I'm late, what did I miss?" Freddie said, walking in. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I smiled at him. "Is Mary still sleeping?" he asked me in a whisper. I nodded. Their door was closed when I walked past it this morning.

"Discussing Roger's car song," Deaky quickly filled him in. Freddie also chuckled and I almost couldn't hold in my laughter.

"Is it strong enough? That's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then I apologize," my brother defended himself, holding up his arms. He was so good at playing a saint when he wanted to.

"How does your new song go then?" Roger suddenly said, turning the tables. He grabbed the piece of paper that was laying in front of Brian and started reading. "You call me sweet, like I'm some kind of cheese?"

Brian shrugged and looked at me, searching for some kind of support. I just shook my head. I was not going to pick a side. I promised them both I never did, and they promised they'd never put me in a position like that.

Queen Of Hearts | Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now