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The honeymoon was more than perfect. I don't even think perfect described the word. Even though it was short, I wouldn't have wanted any other way. Time didn't matter as long as I was with Roger. We went to a remote place in Croatia, since I'd never been there. He had rented a beautiful beach house that had the best view. Some days were spent sight-seeing and other days were spent in bed, enjoying each other's company.

Now that the honeymoon was over and we had come back home, it was time to continue life as we knew it. Which was a little strange. We had been on this constant high from getting engaged, to getting married and then the honeymoon happened. Now we had to figure how life was going to be as a married couple.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," Roger started as we sat down for dinner. I had come home from work and whipped up something quick – he wasn't much of a cook.

I took a sip of my wine. "What's that?"

"Are you going to go by Lotus Taylor now?" he asked. I looked up from my plate. I thought we had already had this conversation. It happened at the alter when we both said I do.

"I already do," I answered with a smile.

"That's not what I mean," he said. He put his cutlery down and propped his elbows up. He looked like he was suiting up for a big boy talk. "I mean at work. Are you going to change it there?"

I wasn't caught off by his question. Ever since he asked me to marry him, I had thought about it. Right now, I was Dr. May. It was a name people knew me by. Something about changing it just gave me a fright.

"I don't know yet, to be honest. It will take a while before it gets through since it's a ton of paperwork. Also, the other doctors will have to get used to it," I explained slowly. Something about my words was off. Roger knew it just as well as I did.

"You don't have to, I was just curious," he reassured me. He looked at me and took a sip of his water. I knew that look. The words he said told me I didn't need to worry, but his eyes said a different story.

I grabbed his hand. "I don't know yet, Rog. I have to think about it, okay?"

He squeezed my hand. We continued eating, talking about things here and there. I loved married life. Coming home to each other and having these kinds of nights. We had so much to talk about. Even after being together for a while, there was still things we could discuss.

Looking at him washing the dishes after dinner while I was sitting on the couch, made me smile. Maybe we did need to get used to being married now, but it was just us. It had been us before, just with a different title.

Today I was spending my lunch break with Mary and Delilah. We hadn't spent much time together with just the three of us, and I was missing them. Since getting back together with Roger and getting married right after, I was wrapped up in the bubble with him. That bubble was popped now.

We decided to meet up at a café that was just a block away from the hospital. It was a spot that Mary had been to a few times. When I walked in, I spotted them immediately sitting at a booth in the back. They sprung up when they saw me.

"There is our marriage gal!" Mary called out.

I walked towards them and engulfed Mary in a hug. I hadn't realized how much I had missed them till I saw them. Delilah smiled at me before hugging me next. It had been only two weeks since I'd seen them, but it felt like months. So much had happened lately.

We all sat down, ordering some drinks right away. I didn't have a long lunch break, and I wanted to make the most of the time we had together. I looked at the menu and my mouth started watering when I read the different salads, sandwiches and soups they had. This morning at work had been crazy and I hadn't eaten anything since eight a.m.

"How are my girls doing?" I asked them, looking up from the menu.

"Good, the same as usual. Since I moved in with Deaky things have been amazing," Delilah said.

When the band got back from tour, Delilah and Deaky moved in together right away. The weeks that he had been away was hard on them, and I think living together made them feel closer. They were the sweetest couple. I had never seen that kind of love before, it was adorable.

"That sounds good. I'm happy for you," I told her honestly. Nothing made me happier than seeing her with a good guy like Deaky. "And what about you?" I turned to Mary.

She giggled and cleared her throat. "Well, I have some big news. Freddie and I kept it a secret for a while, but we are engaged."

My hand flew to my mouth when I heard those words. Delilah seemed to be just as shocked as I was. No way that she kept this a secret for a long time. That was such an achievement for Mary that I could hardly believe it. She usually always told us everything immediately.

"Oh my god! Congratulations!" I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Mary, I can't believe it! Congratulations! How did you manage to keep it a secret for so long? And where it the ring?" Delilah asked. She was curious. I was curious. We were both wondering how this happened and we didn't even notice. Mary was the worst secret keeper.

"It wasn't easy. I wanted to tell you so many times, especially when Lo got engaged to Roger," Mary explained. She couldn't get rid of the smile on her face. "But Fred and I really wanted it to be our thing. Just something between the two of us. How marriage it supposed to be, right?"

I nodded. "Exactly. Which is why we are so happy for you."

The waitress came with our drinks and we ordered food. We spent the majority of the time talking about everything and anything. Swapped stories on things we missed in each other's lives. Mary told us what she wanted for the wedding and I told everything Roger and I had seen in Croatia.

Before we could blink really, the hour was up and I had to get back to work. I got the bill, telling the girls it was on me. They disagreed, but it was the least I could do. They had been so good to me. Keeping up with me in the last couple of weeks.

After paying, we put on our coats and walked outside. We walked along the sidewalk, towards the hospital. Mary cleared her throat again and I immediately wondered what news would come next. Will she be pregnant? Or is she going to move to the countryside?

"You know how the boys are going to a farm to record the next album?" she started. Delilah and I both hummed, motioning for her to continue. "I think we should visit, but as a surprise."

"Roger hates surprises," I immediately said. It was true. He did however like being the one who surprised someone else.

"He doesn't hate anything when it involves you, though," Delilah said. Well, that was true.

"I'm his wife, so he is not allowed to hate anything when it involves me," I joked.

We all laughed and continued strolling while plotting and planning how to surprise our men – and my brother. I said I would call Chrissie to involve her, it would be much more fun that way. I could ask for a few days off from work and we'd drive to the farm. Suddenly, I was getting excited. This was going to be a good surprise.


hola cariños!

i am back, and i am better than ever. after spending four refreshing weeks in costa rica, it's time to finish this story. don't worry, the ending isn't near but it won't be much longer.

i am very sorry for my delay, but things were hectic and crazy. had to get things sorted for uni next year and my birthday it coming up... exciting times!!

anyway, i hope you all enjoyed and the next chapter will be up very soon


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