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"Three beers, please!" Jack yelled. I quickly tapped three more beers on top of the four that I already did for Dana's side.

This was the busiest night I had experienced since the summer. But that might be because Queen was playing again tonight, for the first time in a while since they had become big. Mostly we could handle the bar with two workers, but tonight we had three. I was on beer tapping duty for now, while Dana and Jack both took a side and helped as many people as they could. Everyone was getting impatient and murmured under their breath that they had to wait so long.

After tapping beer for another ten minutes, Jack and I switched. He was a lot faster than I was anyway and we didn't want Dana to do it since she wasn't very good at it yet. I took multiple orders at once, telling Jack I needed six beers and pouring two bourbons myself. I quickly took their money, handed them their drinks and they were off. That made the crowd a lot smaller within minutes. Jack looked at me working and gave me an approving wink. He was faster with the beers and I was faster with helping clients.

Everyone seemed to have their drinks as the gig started. People screamed, especially for their favourited band member. My brother and Deaky walked on stage, followed by Freddie and Roger. They all took place behind their instruments and settled in. Freddie smiled and blew a kiss at Mary, who I saw was standing on the right side of the pub. My brother took the microphone and started to say a few words – usually, it was the same; nice to be here and thank you for coming. This time he added a little spice to it, though.

"Oh, and my lovely sister is working tonight, so make sure you are extra nice to her when you order a drink," he said, pointing at me. I laughed and shook my head while giving him the finger. A few people in the crowd laughed and a few looked at me with their mouths open. It's not like we didn't look like each other, right?

They started their usual set with the crowd favourite songs. The fans – or groupies as Mary and I called them – that went to almost every gig, sang along with the songs. They danced and looked at the boys in awe. I always wondered how they felt getting all this attention. My brother and Deaky didn't seem to notice, however, Roger did feel the need to always make eye contact with the groupies.

"Hi, can I order?" someone asked. I quickly looked up and walked to the bar since Dana was helping another customer and Jack was outback. I was so consumed in watching the band, that I hadn't paid attention to the thing I was supposed to be doing here; help customers.

"Sorry, what can I get you?" I asked him. I gave him a small smile and looked at him. His brown hair was combed backwards, but it was a little too short which made it stand upwards in the front. He had bright blue eyes and when he smiled, a perfect white row of teeth showed themselves. Good looking and took care of himself.

"Uh, just a beer please," he said. I noticed his thick American accent. He also looked unfamiliar at the scene. He was looking around with wide eyes as if he was looking for someone. I tapped his beer and put in on a carton coaster. "Thanks," he murmured.

I cleaned the counter and washed out the dirty dishcloth. When I turned around, he was still standing there, taking one sip of his drink at a time. I leaned on the counter.

"Different than America, right?" I asked him. He looked up at me and smiled.

"That obvious?" he chuckled. He put his glass back on the coaster and took off his coat, draping it over one of the bar stools. They were free since everyone was dancing and enjoying the show.

"Spotting your accent in all these Brits? I must have a sixth sense," I joked. He laughed and leaned on the bar. I would be lying if I said he wasn't good looking because he was. Like, really good looking. "Have you made any friends yet?" I asked.

Queen Of Hearts | Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now