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After our surprise, the boys were unable to focus on recording. Reid decided to call it a day. He wasn't happy with the "distractions" – as he called us. I hadn't liked him in the beginning, and I didn't like him now. I had a feeling he was going to screw someone over. Together with Prick Paul.

We went back to the house, where Freddie gave us a very extravagant tour. Everyone had their own rooms. The walls were thin – thank God my brother's room was not next to Roger's. Apart from everything was cosy. Roger hauled my luggage upstairs. He put it in his room, which was at the back of the house and had a view over the landscape.

My brother and Deaky cooked. They made spaghetti with tomato sauce. We enjoyed a long dinner together with wine. The boys told us how the recording went, and we told them what they missed back in London, essentially nothing.

It was late in the evening when we all decided to go to bed. The kitchen was still half a mess, but most of us were too tired or too drunk to care. I followed Roger up the stairs. Before entering the room, Freddie grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside.

"Darling, I am so happy you are here," he said with a big smile. He had too much to drink, but I didn't mind. I thought he was always cute when he was drunk.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "I am, too. I missed you, Fred."

He pulled me in for a hug. Freddie felt like such a big part of my and Roger's lives. Not only had he been there from the beginning, but he had always rooted for us and wanted us to be together.

"Now, be a little quiet tonight," he asked of me. My mouth fell open when I realized what he meant.

"Can't make any promises," I said with a wink. He laughed and gave me a small push.

I told him goodnight and walked into Roger's room. He had already taken off his trousers and was undoing the buttons of his dress shirt before taking it off. I walked to my suitcase, grabbing my toiletry bag and a towel.

"I'm going to take a shower," I told him. I took a fresh pair of panties with me, an old shirt from Roger and a pair of shorts. He turned around as he heard my voice.

"What a coincidence, so am I," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him, pretending I didn't secretly hope that he would say that.

The four bedrooms upstairs had two bathrooms to share together. There was one on the left side of the stairs, next to Deaky's room and in between Roger's and Freddie's. I walked to the closest one, Roger following behind me like a hungry puppy. Locking the door, I hung up my towel.

We got in the shower once the water was warm, which took about five minutes. Those five minutes were spent making out, both butt naked and turning each other on. I let my hair down so that I could wash it and stepped in.

Roger started washing my hair, massaging shampoo into my scalp. Having a husband meant not needing to do anything by yourself, which was a blessing sometimes. I washed out my hair carefully and then he moved on to washing my body. He put soap on the loofa, sensually going over all body parts.

"God, you look so good," he murmured, more to himself than to me. I wanted to focus on him, on what he looked like right now, but I couldn't. Not when he grazed my nipple with the loofa, making my breathing pick up.

Suddenly, he ditched the loofa by throwing it on the shower floor. He used his hands to roam over my whole body, pulling me closer to him. His lips found mine. I cupped his face with my hands. Our mouths were moving in sync, tongues dancing around each other.

I felt how his hand slipped between my legs and my breath hitched into my throat. I pulled back from the kiss. I needed to breathe. So much was happening and there was so much pleasure already. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. I held onto his shoulders for dear life, feeling like my legs would give out if I didn't.

His mouth was pressed against my ear. "Does that feel good?" he said as he rubbed my clit. Yes, it did. Of course, it did. He knew this, but it still fed his ego to ask me.

I couldn't speak, but the whimper that fell off my lips was enough to satisfy him. He started going in circles, teasing me some. I wanted more. I needed more. I could already reach my high going like this, but Roger would never let me. He wanted to make it last as long as possible.

But my prayers when answered when I felt how he pushed one finger inside me. I gasped and closed my eyes, feeling the pressure in my stomach building. He pumped in and out slowly, taking his time. The mix of the steam in the shower and the pleasure hanging in the air made it ten times more sensual for me.

I squeezed his shoulder, letting my head rest against the tile wall. Now that my neck was exposed, he took this opportunity to press light kisses against my skin. I bit my lip, trying to stay quiet. Not that it would work, because he picked up the pace and went a little faster. I couldn't even hold it off, reaching the top before realizing what happened.

"Oh my god, fuck," I cursed. My legs wobbled and I closed my eyes. He steadied me as I rode out my orgasm, slowing down eventually. When I opened my eyes again, he was smiling at me.

Then we sped out of the shower. I dried off quickly, not bothering to put any clothes on. With a towel wrapped around our bodies, we left the bathroom and tiptoed to Roger's bedroom. He closed the door behind us and locked in in the process.

The towels fell to the floor faster than I had ever seen before. Before I could breathe my hands were on his body and his were on mine. We touched each other everywhere we could while kissing, desperately to feel one another. My hands tangled into his hair, and I pulled at the roots, causing him to moan.

We moved towards the bed. I felt it hitting the back of my knees as I lay down on it. He smiled cheekily at me, crawling onto the bed and on top of me. I giggled. Something about this moment made me excited. Like it had been in the first few weeks of our relationship.

Roger hovered over me, making his way from my stomach to my breasts. He kissed my nipples. Each one of them got their special attention and my eyes rolled back in my head at the feeling it was giving me. I felt how his lips trailed to my neck, leaving sloppy kisses before moving over to my lips. His tongue dove into my mouth.

I don't know how long we were making out, but I felt his cock throbbing against me. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and guided it to my entrance. His lips left mine just as he pushed forward, filling me whole. We both moaned in relief, finally feeling each other after a while.

He started moving, slow and passionate. The previous times we had sex, it was always faster and with more lust. This was not the same. As he moved, both of us breathing heavily with every thrust and he looked into my eyes, I realized this wasn't fucking. This was making love. This was intimacy on a whole other level.

He held himself up with one arm, his other on my hip. He held a tight grip, but it didn't hurt. I had my legs wrapped around him and my arms around his neck. He lowered himself, pressing a kiss on my shoulder before leaning his forehead against it.

"I love you," he whispered through ragged breaths, his voice sending chills down my spine. "I love you so much."

I closed my eyes, pulling him closer to me – if that was even possible. "I love you, more than anything."

And then we both came. Together. Unplanned but blissfully enjoying this moment that made it so much stronger than we had been together. When we had both ridden out our highs, he collapsed on my chest. I breathed in and out, feeling the most content I had been in while. I was at peace. With myself and with my husband. I smiled while combing my fingers through his damp hair. There was no one else like him. And there was no one else like us.


hiiiiii! sorry for the delay, life happened and then suddenly it was months later. but here we are. next update won't be that long!


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