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Letting go of Chris was harder than I thought. There was a big part of me that missed him, proving that I did actually have feelings for him. He was caring and loyal, but also really funny. There were times that I had been laughing for an hour straight because he had been in a silly mood. And I would miss that about him, a lot actually.

Shit had been going down the past week after me and Chris ended it. I had walked back into Chef's that night, cleaning the make-up from under my eyes and leaving straight away. But Roger stopped me, wanting to talk to me about what happened outside. I told him I wasn't in the mood right now, but he kept pushing like always.

"It didn't end between me and Chris so I could start to date you, so don't think that okay?" I had told him. He didn't say anything back at me after that, letting me walk away freely. I didn't want him to see me crying, it was a sign of weakness and it's the last thing I wanted him to notice. I had wiped the tears away and walked home in silence.

My brother had given me a small smile when he got home later that night, giving me a hug and doing our secret symbol. He didn't get into it, knowing I didn't want to talk about it. He could just read my mind like he always could.

For the next two days, I moped around a little. I slept, went to Uni, ate and went back to bed. It was a boring routine, but I wasn't in the mood for anything else. The end of another long day had finally come as I packed up my stuff in one of the halls. I was always the last one to leave, running into my brother in the hallway. Luckily, this way I didn't need to take the bus home.

When we got the car and drove off, I let my head rest against the seat. Finally, I could rest again. I looked outside as we passed the usual things until I saw something I was unfamiliar with. I sat up straight immediately and looked at my brother, who pretended nothing was going wrong.

"You are going to wrong way," I said. He looked at me and smiled. Oh, no, I knew that smile all too well. He was up to no good.

"We're actually going to Chef's. Everyone else is coming, too," he said. He stopped at another red light and rummaged through the back, grabbing a shirt. It was a purple blouse, one of mine actually. "I know you don't want to show up in a sweater, so I brought this. Your make-up bag is in the glove box,"

I rolled my eyes and opened the glove box. Sure enough, there it was. "Bri,"

"Don't say anything, just get ready," he told me.

I stayed silent and took off my sweater, putting on the purple blouse. I grabbed the small mirror from the compartment by the door and looked in it, seeing I needed some work on my face. I applied some make-up quickly, making it look like I wasn't trying too hard. I didn't know if this night was going to be laid back or fun. Next, I did my hair. I put half of it up with a hair tie, wrapping a headband around my head. I put in my hoop earrings and I was done.

"See? You look gorgeous," my brother complimented me. Just in time, he pulled in a parking spot at Chef's, turning off the engine. I stepped out, only taking my smaller bag with all my things. My books stayed in the car.

When we walked in, I saw that my brother wasn't kidding when he said everyone was coming. The place was packed. I saw Jack and Dana working together so serve everyone as quickly as they could. I followed my brother to the corner booth, seeing everyone sitting there. They greeted me loudly, Freddie even stood up and applauded.

"Look who it is! We missed you, darling," he said. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I took a seat next to Mary and she grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

Queen Of Hearts | Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now