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Locking up at Chef's while I was also making sure Roger wouldn't wreck the place was harder than I thought – Jack had already left and I was in charge of getting everything ready for tomorrow morning. I had to watch him every minute to see if he didn't make a mess of something I just cleaned up. After I had cleaned everything up and it was all in its place, I grabbed my coat, bag and keys. Roger was sitting on a barstool, resting his head on the counter.

"Hey, sleepyhead, ready to go?" I asked, nudging his side. He looked up at me, his blue eyes bloodshot and tired from the night.

"Are you taking me home?" he asked, surprised I was still here with him. If it was Jack that locked up, he would've thrown Roger out a long time ago.

"We wouldn't want the drummer of Smile to die now, would we?" I joked. I helped him stand up and threw one of his arms over my shoulders. This way he could lean on me.

"Dying is a little dramatic." he murmured as I locked the doors outside. I put the key in my bag and scanned the lot, looking for his car.

"You drove here, right?" I asked him. He looked at me and gave me a smile. Gosh, this man was all over the place. "Roger, where are your keys?" I asked now, feeling the pockets on his jacket and his jeans.

"Are you trying to seduce me, love?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at his comment. When I finally found his keys, I dragged him to his car, ordering him to sit in the passenger seat. But he refused to, standing beside the vehicle and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Really? You're going to do this right now?" I sighed. He was behaving like a child. "I'm serious, get in the car. I'm not doing this."

"That is my car and I will be driving it," he said sternly. He moved his head the other way – pretending to make a statement. I shook it off and opened the door, pushing him inside. "Hey, hey! Stop it!" he complained.

I ignored him, strapping him in with the seatbelt before closing the door. I walked around the car, getting into the driver's seat. When I took a glance at Roger, I saw that he was looking out of the window with an angry expression. I laughed and started the car, backing out of the parking lot.

"What are you laughing at?" he spat at me.

"You are acting like a child," I said. I focused on the road, but I could see in the corner of my way that Roger scoffed at me.

"You know, you look more like your brother after all." he gave my arm a little push.

"That's why they call it twins." I out-smarted him. My eyes went back to the road, focus on getting him home safe.

He didn't say anything to me, keeping the ride to his place silent. I thought about the situation that could've resulted in him getting so drunk. Did he have a fight with my brother? Or was there some girl that he needed to forget – wait no, that made me laugh when I thought about it, Roger would never.

"This is your street, right?" I asked him, as I was ready to pull in. I looked beside me, seeing Roger asleep. "Rog?" I called and poked his side. He jolted awake, looking at me.

"That was bloody rude," he commented. I rolled my eyes as I pulled into a parking spot, turning off the engine. Roger stepped out of the car, almost falling over. I cursed and quickly made my way to his side. His hands rested on his knees, a pool of vomit in between his feet. "Sorry." he softly said. I grabbed his arm, swinging it over my shoulders again.

"It's okay. Come on, let's get you inside." I said. I unlocked his apartment door, laying him down on the couch.

I looked at him as he laid down, resting his head on of the pillows. I sat next to him, taking off his shoes. When I turned over at him again, I saw he had fallen asleep already. There was no way I was going to get him to the bed, so I just grabbed a blanket and draped it around him. Seeing him sleep, made me tired as well. I walked over to his phone, dialling the number and pressing the device to my ear.

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