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Falling back into the usual routine with Roger was easy. So easy that it took us about three weeks to get used to each other again. We had been together almost every night. He would usually pick me up from work and we'd go home together. There we would enjoy each other's company in the way we knew how to do best; have sex.

It seemed like no time had passed and he still knew my body. He knew exactly how to pleasure it. I hadn't seen anybody in the time that we broke up – I really couldn't because all I could think about was Roger. That time that we had sex at Freddie's party had brought me back to the days where I would have orgasms all the time when I was with him. Which was every day.

When I told Mary that we had sex in their house, she had was shocked. Well, shocked may have been a little bit of an understatement. She was kind of disgusted by it. I told her that we had cleaned up the room and I had wiped down the table, so she had nothing to worry about. Then her disgust changed into curiosity and she was asking me tons of questions.

I really didn't want to be that kind of girl that was falling back into the arms of a man, but I was. And this man wasn't just anybody, he was Roger. I told Mary I was kind of swooning over him. I was just... still in love. She said that it was normal and that she happy we were back together again. The complaining from Freddie about Roger not paying attention had stopped.

Yesterday I had gotten back to Roger's place after work, finally being happy that I had the weekend off. Those didn't always happen, so when they did, I was grateful. Roger had been rehearsing and recording all day. Both of us were tired, but never too tired to actually enjoy each other.

"You know, I was thinking about something the other day," Roger started. We were lying in his bed, both naked and only the thin sheets covering our bodies.

"About what?" I asked. I was lying on my stomach, my feet in the air and tracing shapes on his arm.

"You kind of already live here – even have your own shampoo in the shower," he said. I think I knew where he was going with this. "Why don't we make it permanent?"

I smiled and looked up at him. "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

He shrugged and looked away. I could see the faint red that was creeping up on his cheeks. He was blushing. I softly laughed, pulling myself up to sit closer to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder while my hands ran through his hair.

"You do know what that means right?" I softly asked. I mean, moving in together meant that none of us would have our own bedroom to crawl back into when something went wrong. It was a big commitment.

"Baby, there is a box of tampons in my bathroom cupboard. What more do you have to hide from me?" he joked.

"I don't know. I might be a horrible roommate," I suddenly thought. It was a big step, one that I really wanted to take but it was scary too. Roger gave me a look that spoke a million words. "Yeah, okay, you'll always be worse."

"I'm serious, Lo. I want us to come home to each other every day. I want to go to sleep next to you every day and wake up next to you. I want you around me all the time," he almost pleaded. We both knew that it wouldn't really change anything. We basically already lived together as it was.

"On one condition; we take my bed," I whispered.

"Deal," he said before pressing his lips on mine.

I smiled into the kiss and he pulled me closer, letting his hands roam all over my body. I pulled away a few moments after, ruffling his hair and laying down on the bed again.

Queen Of Hearts | Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now