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Deaky closed the trunk after putting in the last of our luggage. It was nine in the morning, time for us to leave. I looked out from the window. Everyone was already inside. I was packing the last of the snacks for the road before closing the cooler. I didn't want to leave. The days had flown by so fast. Too fast.

I saw how Roger said something to Brian. He turned around and looked at me through the window while walking towards the house. It had been obvious I was sad to leave. Even though it would be a week before he'd come home, it was too long.

The backdoor of the kitchen opened and closed. Soon I felt two arms being wrapped around my waist and a body pressed against my back. He kissed my shoulder, nuzzling his face into my neck. I had never expected it, but Roger was the snuggling type.

"Gonna miss you," he said. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm gonna miss you, too," I spoke softly. I leaned back into his embrace and sighed deeply. "The house is just not the same without you."

"Soon enough I'll be back to make it a mess again," he joked. I laughed and turned around in his arms so I could look at him.

"I can't wait," I said. I tangled my hands in his hair, pulling at the roots a little. It had gotten so long ever since he had been here. I was sure it was longer than mine at one point.

"What's going on, Lo?" he asked me with a concerned look on his face.

He knew something was up. I wasn't usually this caught up when I would not be seeing him for a week. He wasn't wrong. I had to tell him what I decided. After all, it was his name I would be using.

There hadn't been a right time to say it. Through recording and having dinner with everyone, we had been wiped out almost every night. I didn't want this to become a big thing, but it wasn't something light either.

"I have to tell you something," I started. Worry flashed across his face immediately, and I understood why. The last time I said those words, I broke up with him and left him in the cold snow back in London. "Actually, let me read it to you."

I untangled my hands from his hair to grab the piece of paper from my back pocket. I had written it out earlier in the week, after my walk with Brian. I opened it up and cleared my throat before starting to read. I smiled at Roger, while he still looked anxious.

"Dear Mr Sand, this letter is to inform you of the change that I have decided to make at work," I read. Roger knew who Mr Sand was, and the realization started to set in. "Some weeks ago, I got married and decided to take my husband's last name. I hereby inform you that I, Dr Lotus May, will now be referred to as Dr Lotus Taylor."

I dropped the piece of paper. There was more on there, regarding legal information and consent, but that wasn't important. I looked up, right into the happy – and very much relieved – eyes of my husband.

"You changed it?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded with a big smile on my face. Just seeing how he was reacting now made it all worth it and I was so glad that I had done it. "You didn't have to do that for me, you know that right?" he said. I knew he was reassuring me that there was no pressure. He understood that I needed my own thing, but I was already Lotus Taylor at everything else, so why not at work?

I grabbed him by his biceps. "It's not just your name anymore. It's mine now too. We are building a life together and I think having one name would make that a lot better."

"Gosh, I am so in love with you," he spoke before cupping my face and pressing his lips against mine. It wasn't a quick kiss. It was one with passion and love, and I lost myself in it right away. I think if we hadn't been in this place during this time that our clothes would've already been on the floor.

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