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The rain was falling against the window in heavy spots, clouding it from looking outside. I sat at a table in the back. The café was pretty much empty besides from me and a few others. The girl behind the counter that had served me tea before, was now reading a book. She must be bored out of her mind.

My brother was going to be here any second now. He was never late; I was just early today. I just couldn't sit around at home for a minute longer. I looked at my hands. At the shining gold ring that I was wearing. I hadn't been able to stop staring at it since wearing it, which was three days now.

Roger had picked a ring that he knew I would love. It was gold with small diamonds all around it. It had a ruby that wasn't too small or too big – with the same amount of small diamonds around it. I guessed he had taken one of my rings to the shop when picking it out, because it fit like a glove.

"You once said you wouldn't want a traditional ring, so I hope that I followed those wishes," he said when showing it to me. He rambled on and on about exchanging it for something else if I wanted to, while I could only stare at it in awe.

I did end up crying as I said yes, and he slid the ring on my finger. His hands were trembling. We both couldn't stop smiling, but all of that didn't matter. This was a moment that we shared together. No one else was there and that was something that made it so special. He didn't do this in public were everyone could see.

Probably because he was also crying and didn't want the others to see.

The door to the café opened and pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up, seeing Brian walking through. Quickly I put my hands over each other, this way he couldn't see the ring. I needed him to hear me say it, instead of founding out any other way.

"Hey, Lo," he greeted me as he walked towards the table. I stood up and pulled him into a hug. After we let go, we sat down.

"How are you?" I asked him. I had literally seen him a couple days ago and spoken to him on the phone yesterday.

Roger and I spent the whole weekend together in bed. We enjoyed each other's company, not needing anybody else. There was something about the moments after you had changed your relationship title that were so personal. Our cocoon was soon broken when we both realized that we should probably tell people why I was wearing this enormous rock around my finger.

"Yeah, good. Got all the stuff into the new place," he told me. I nodded approvingly. My brother was now officially living together with Chrissie. After I moved out of our shared apartment, he realized he should probably move on too. There was no rush of course, but he said he didn't see a point in living separately when you knew you wanted to be together long term.

"That's great. I'm happy for you," I said. Both of started living our own lives – which was still weird, to be honest.

"And you? I feel like you have something to tell me," he fished around, looking at me while speaking. I could never lie to my brother.

"Yeah, I do actually. A lot has happened since you last saw me," I started. I really didn't know why I was so nervous to tell him that I was engaged. He had never been against me being with Roger, so why would he be now?

"Are you pregnant?" he immediately asked.

"No, no. I'm not," I chuckled nervously and looked at my hands. Then I looked at him again and just spat it out. "Roger and I are getting married."

Brian eyes widened when he heard me say those words. I couldn't see what was going on in his eyes. He was definitely shocked – probably by the fact that we had justmoved in together. But he also seemed happy when eventually he smiled.

"What? When did that happen?" he asked. The girl from behind the counter came to our table and put a cup of tea down in front of him.

"Last Friday," I said. He hastily grabbed my hand and then saw the ring.

"Jesus, Lotus. That's really fucking pretty," he called out. My brother didn't curse a lot, so when he did; something important was going on.

He asked me exactly how it happened and I told him the whole story. About us sitting on the balcony in the cold and drinking wine. How he was so nervous. How he kept rambling on and on about how he loved me and that this might be too fast. And about how he just plain out asked me. He asked me and then looked at me with those blue puppy dog eyes.

We went on to talk about the next steps. Planning a wedding wasn't like planning a birthday party. We had lots of things to think about. The venue, the guestlist, the rings and the vows. The most important thing to me: the dress. I didn't want a big wedding but knowing Roger he didn't want it to be small either.

After two hours of talking about everything and a little bit about nothing, we parted our ways. My brother told me he was really happy for us and had been praying this would happen. How did I get to lucky with him? He was the sweetest.

I stepped into the car – I had the luck of Roger loving me so much that he allowed me to drive his – and drove home. The roads were quiet. It made me drive in peace. I still looked at the ring around my finger in awe. Engaged. I was someone's fiancénow.

The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur. When I got home, I cleaned the place up a bit. I did some laundry and then started dinner, which went by quickly. Before I knew it, the front door opened, and Roger stepped in. He saw me and immediately a smile crept onto his face.

"Hello, fiancé," he greeted me. I switched the stove off and put the lit on the pan before turning around. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in my neck.

"Hi," I softly said. He leaned back and then pressed his lips on mine softly. We kissed for a while, not caring about the food that might get cold. Then he pulled back and smiled at me. "How was your day?"

"Amazing!" he called out. He walked to the fridge and opened it, grabbing two beers. "I told Fred and Deaky while you were having tea with Brian, and they were stoked! Freddie really want to see the ring."

"Which I am never taking off, ever," I made clear. They would have to bury me with this ring. I held up my hand proudly. The ruby stone shone in the remainder of the sunlight that was peeking through the curtains.

Roger grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. "It looks so good on you. So yes, please, don't ever take it off."


GUYS this is were the real fun starts.... i am so excited because i have a lot pre-written about their recording of night at the opera and boy y'all are in for a treat!!!!!! also, listed as the image is lotus' her beautiful engagement ring (which i am jealous of)

hope you enjoyed this xxx

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