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// happy wedding night ;) //

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After Roger and I had told each other the two big words, we had the biggest party that lasted till deep in morning. We ate, danced, speeches were given and then we danced even more. Queen performed, including some news songs that had never been heard before. We took shots and even my brother got too drunk – which barely happened.

Then we pleaded everyone goodbye and left. Roger had booked us a hotel that looked over the river. The room had been neatly prepared for our arrival. Freddie and Mary had dropped off our luggage before. Hand in hand, while laughing we had walked from the elevator to our room. My heels were off, and he was carrying them.

"Wait here," he said when he opened the door. He walked in and threw my shoes somewhere in the corner and took his jacket off. When he walked back, he hoisted me up – bridal style of course and walked me through the opening of the door.

I giggled like a little girl, letting him carry me and waltz me through the hotel suite. When he put me down, I got a first good look at the suite he had booked. It was stunning. Somehow, my mind had pictured a cute hotel room with a bed and a telly, but this was something entirely different.

The entrance was connected to a hallway, and that led into the small living room. There was a couch with two chairs connected to it. The coffee table had a beautiful bouquet of roses on it, that blocked the view from the couch to the television that was on the other side.

Roger leaned against the wall while looking at how I was absorbing the whole place. There was a set of double doors on the left side of the couch. I opened them and was met with a wide balcony that looked right over the river. But it was chilly, so I closed those again and walked to the other side.

The bedroom was big. Along the left side of the wall was a fireplace and next to it a set of comfortable chairs. Across from there was a large king-sized bed, adored with sheets that looked so soft, I wanted to lay in it – but not just any bed.

"A canopy bed," I whispered softly. I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around me from behind.

His voice sent shivers down my spine. "That's what you wanted, right?"

Yes, it was exactly what I wanted. But how did he know? The last time I had talked about wanting to sleep in a canopy bed on my wedding night was years ago. I turned around in his arms and looked at him. He just wore that smug smile he always did.

"You remembered?" I asked him. He nodded. "Why?"

"Well, I figured I was going to marry you sooner or later, so I told myself it was important," he justified.

And just when I thought this man – my husband – couldn't get any more perfect, he proved me wrong. He smiled at me and his ocean blue eyes lit up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He raised his brows as if to ask what it was what I wanted. Like he didn't even know it yet.

"I fucking love you," was all I said before slamming my lips onto his.

His grip around my waist tightened. Our tongues danced together perfectly. I honestly could never get tired of kissing him. The way our mouth moved together and how his lips felt against mine. Kissing him might be one of my favourite things to do.

Amongst other things of course.

Gently, he pushed me towards the bed. I felt it behind me, dipping when my weight was crushing down on it. Roger let go of me and stood up, walking back a few steps and just looking at me.

Queen Of Hearts | Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now