Chapter 10

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(When Alastor got to the radio station, his boss began to give a speech to the workers.)

Boss: Everyone, I would like you to meet, Miss Charlotte.

('Charlotte?' He thought as she walked in the room. It was Anne's friend. She looked beautiful. Charlotte was wearing a black dress with some pink at end. Everyone except Alastor said hello to her.)

(A couple of days later, Alastor hasn't introduced himself to her again. It had only been a year since Anne's death. One day, Alastor and his coworkers were invited to some sort of party in celebration of Forth of July by his boss. So, that night on Forth of July, when Alastor had got to his boss's house. He began to hyperventilate, then he saw someone open the door. He walked in and thanked the man who opened the door.)

(He got himself a wine glass, then he saw a woman standing there next to him.)

Alastor: Hello, miss

(He said, then she turned towards him. She blushed when she saw him.)

Female: Hello good sir. I'm Aspen.

Alastor: well, I'm Alastor, Aspen.

(They talked for a few minutes, until Charlotte came up to them. She gasped with excitement to see Alastor again.)

Charlotte: Alastor, it's been too long. You look well, I've heard about Anne and I'm sorry for your loss. I also see that you've met my sister, Aspen.

(She said as she hugged him for comfort. Aspen left them to catch up with each other.)

Alastor: I didn't know that you had siblings.

Charlie: yep. My brothers Ralph, Carl and
Leonard. My sisters Grace, Ella and Aspen. I'll tell the year distants later.

     (After the party, Alastor and Charlotte settled up a date where they meet. When got back home, he only flopped over towards the bed and just fell asleep.)

Words: 307

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