Chapter 24

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(Alastor's POV)
   (January 4, 1926.)

  (I've been spilling blood and breaking every bone of the people who were rude to my family, friends and Charlie. I missed her every day now, her family has heard what happened to her. Her brothers haven't trusted me before and don't trust me more, even after Charlie's death. But everyone has been acting like everything's normal. Even though it's not.)

   (I walk into a tavern with my friend, Husk, on the other side of the bar table. He was the bartender and head for the tavern I was just walked in. I asked him for my usual drink, red wine. I noticed that some single ladies were actually flirting with me.)

  (Although, I didn't care about them, only my darling doe, Charlie. However, my wife was probably in heaven and I'll be in hell when I die. I didn't realize that Husk was looking at me with concern on his face.)

Alastor: What?! Why are you looking at me like that?

(I asked quietly to him with frustration. I saw him sigh, and heard him spoke.)

Husk: Alastor, my dear friend, you have been coming over to this tavern every week on Saturday and Sunday. I know you like to visit family and friends, but you don't even talk to me. You just drink your wine, pay for it and leave. You can tell me, why do you that, I'm your friend.

(I didn't say anything to him, all I did was just clung down the alcohol bottle. I looked up at my friend with a flaring anger in my eyes. I muttered something wrong about him to myself. There wasn't that many people in the tavern, only five people in there. After a couple drinks of the wine, I payed for the drink, then left. But just as I was leaving, I was the only left in the tavern, Husk stopped me.)

Husk: Alastor, I need to talk to you.

Alastor: yes, Husker?

(He took a deep breath and sighed, then placed his hands on my shoulders.

Husk: I know that you're depressed that your wife died, but you've got to know...that's in the past.

(He finished with a smile. I gave him a sinister smile. I kept the smile as I walked away from him and out of the building. I continued walking down the street until I reached the woods' entrance at the end of an alley. I made into the woods, and started to walk down a path. As I walked, I saw all of the beautiful sites around me. I stopped when I saw a willow. I walked into the willows' center. I noticed a tombstone near the trunk of the willow.)

   (I kneeled at the tombstone, then tears of negative energy came down my face. I had buried my precious Angel, Charlie here under the ground near this very beautiful willow tree. I looked at the tombstone that had her birth year and death year. It read, Charlie Hazbin: 1902-1925. My heart was pounding from all of sadness I had every time I visited here. Suddenly, I heard a gunshot and felt a bullet swiftly go passed my ear.)

   (I turned around to only see my friend, Beetlejuice! I didn't realize that he was holding a gun until I turned around.)

Alastor: Beetlejuice? What are you going here? You almost killed me!

  (I shouted at my dear friend as he refilled his shotgun with a couple bullets. He scoffed at me.)

Beetlejuice: yes, although I didn't. I'm hunting rabbits for this season.

  (Was he an idiot or have I gone insane from drinking too much? I sighed. I walked to him, swiftly grabbed his shotgun, and placed my single shot pistol gun extremely close to his forehead. I could tell that he was scared.)

Beetlejuice: okay, I won't kill near this tree again.

Alastor: good choice, my dearest friend.

  (I said as placed my pistol back in my pocket.)

Beetlejuice: Alastor, can you please help my sister, Sara with something?

Alastor: your sister? Wait, you have a sister?

Beetlejuice: yep, now please follow me.

Words: 689

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