Chapter 11

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   (Alastor looked over at the clock in his office as holding a human skull in his hands try to peel off any other muscle or skin left. He put the skull in the closet with the others.)

  (When he opened the door to see Charlotte, she smiled at him. He smiled back at her, it was for her meet him at the door. It would usually be the other way around. But they didn't care, but apparently they started dating only a couple of weeks after they met up with each other again.)

  (As their date night went on, they stopped at a bar building. Alastor knew the bartender that worked there.)

Alastor: Hello Husker, my darling good friend.

(Husk sighed, turned around to look at him, he then saw Charlotte next to Alastor.)

Husk: So who's this, Alastor?

Charlotte: I'm Charlotte, but can call you two call me Charlie.

Husk: okay. Will y'all like a drink?

Charlie: I guess so.

Alastor: sure thing, Husker.

Husk: Alastor, can you please stop calling me that?

Alastor: um, no. Sorry, my good friend.

(They talked for a couple of more minutes, some jazz music played from the stage in the building. They were having fun through the night.)

This is the shortest chapter I've ever wrote. But hoped everyone enjoyed it, even though it's not that much.

Words: 227

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