Chapter 2

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An: Thank you for reading my book. Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out.

As we walked to class, Nancy explained my predicament to me. Apparently in this world, I have some memory problems which makes me sometimes forget everything. Most of the time, I only forget some small stuff. I was confused. How did I get here? Why is Nancy being nice to me? So many thoughts ran through my head. Suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts when Nancy announced that we were there.

I looked up to see that we were in fact there. I walked into the classroom behind Nancy. I took one look at the teacher and almost fainted from fear. She was scarier in person. She was a shrivelled old lady with bat wings and claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs. Her eyes glowed. My mouth ran dry and I shakily observed the room to see where I was supposed to sit.

Nancy, seeing my dilemma, kindly explained to Mrs. Dodds that my amnesia was acting up. Mrs. Dodds looked at me with her glowing eyes and pointed to a seat next to a guy with black hair and sea green eyes. Percy Jackson. I quietly walked over to my seat and sat down. I refused to look over at Percy afraid I would fangirl instead elected to stare down at my desk.

Mrs. Dodds started class and was nice enough to not call on me for the answers. I wrote down notes to make sure I wouldn't forget. During lunch, Nancy dragged me along to the cafeteria to sit with her and her friends. While I was eating my lunch, which consisted of a pb & j sandwich, some chips, and a bottle of water, Nancy & co started messing with a boy who I assume was Grover.

The boy was crippled, scrawny, and had some acne with the start of a wispy beard. He was sitting next to Percy who was glaring in my direction. Nancy had popcorn and was throwing it at them while laughing. As I stood up to go and help Grover and Percy, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I tried to send them an apologetic look, but they were to busy glaring at Nancy and her Crew.

We got back to the classroom and Mrs. Dodds called for the permission slips to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts. I must've looked confused because Nancy came over to me and said that she had both mine and hers since her parents had legal guardianship over me. Why does her parents have legal guardianship over me? Just another question I don't have the answer to.

After class was over, I was dragged out once again by Nancy. She took me over to where her friends were and told them to follow Percy and Grover. I didn't understand what was going on until they started throwing premade paper balls at them. When I finally realized that they were bullying them, I grabbed onto Nancy's shirt and asked her to stop. She laughed and asked why I cared about a nobody. I froze not knowing what to do.

Finally, I just stuttered out a lame excuse that I was tired and couldn't remember how to get back to my room. She sighed and told her posse to stop since she wanted to be there to see everything. Then she carefully grabbed my hand and gently pulled me along. I looked back at Grover and gave them another apologetic look. They actually saw this time. Percy looked grateful that I stopped them but Grover had a suspicious look on his face.

We got back to our shared room and she left saying she was gonna hang out with her friends some more. When she was gone, I took out my homework that was given to me and started. Luckily for me, it was really easy so I finished it quickly. I changed into my pajamas and layer on my bed thinking about how I got here and why Nancy had a soft spot for me. I slowly drifted into unconsciousness not being able to answer any of the questions.

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