Chapter 15

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An: thank you for reading my book 😀

"I don't like crowds," I muttered as I was wheeled into the pavilion.

"What did you say?" Grover asked leaning closer to me.

"Nothing," I replied. It's no use complaining about it. It's not like it'd change anything.

"Alright, well usually new kids sit with the Hermes kids, but since you aren't actually a demigod you can just sit with me at table twelve with Mr. D." He explained wheeling me over to where Mr. D was sitting.

Along with Mr. D at the table, was his twin son's, Pollux and Castor, some nymphs, and a couple satyrs. His kids look exactly like him although I don't think he likes them all that much. I mean who names their child Pollux? He couldn't have named him a normal name like Kevin or Jaxson? I was brought out of my thoughts by Grover handing me a plate full of delicious looking food.

"Here's you some food. I didn't know what you would like so I just brought some of everything. Don't worry about offering some of the food to the gods. I took the liberty of offering some for you since you aren't feeling the best."

"Thank you," I said as he went to go get his food. He's so thoughtful.

"Next time you're going to have to do it yourself," Mr. D said making a Diet Coke appear out of nowhere.

"Alright, Mr. B," I replied taking a big bite.

Mr. D didn't react for a few seconds before snapping his head towards me.

"What did you just call me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I answered through my mouth full of food. If he can call people by cute little nicknames, so can I.

Mr. D narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything else. Grover came back with his food which consisted of mostly soda cans and some silverware. We talked about lots of things during dinner and by we I mean everyone else. I mostly just sat there and ate not wanting to interrupt the conversation.

After dinner was over, someone wheeled me back to the infirmary. At least, I assume someone did. I fell asleep before dinner was over. Hopefully, I didn't fall asleep in a weird position. When I woke up, I was confused wondering when dinner ended. I sat up and looked over to Percy who was still asleep with Annabeth by his side. He really does drool in his sleep.

"Hello," I said to fill the air.

"Hello," Annabeth replied not looking away from Percy.

"What's your name?" I asked trying not to sound sarcastic.

"My name is Annabeth Chase. What is yours?"

"Y/n L/n."

We sat in a comfortable silence for awhile until Chiron wheeled in. He gave me a strained smile before going to check on Percy.

"How's he doing?" Chiron asked.

"He's doing ok. He should be waking up for real soon." Annabeth replied to him. "Is he the one?"

"I'm not sure," Chiron said hesitantly.

"You'll find out soon," I helpfully told her while trying to move my toes.

"How would you know?" She angrily asked.

Unfortunately for her, I did not answer. I was too busy trying unsuccessfully to move my toes. Why won't they move? Am I going to be in a wheelchair forever? If so, I'm going to have some really beefy arms. I was brought out of my thoughts by Annabeth snapping in my face.

"I'm not a dog," I huffed crossing my arms. "You don't have to be so rude."

"You wouldn't answer me."

"Because I don't want to."

"And why not?"

"Because it's more fun this way. Also do you know when I'll be able to move my toesies again?" I asked turning my attention to Chiron.

"I do not know. Injury's like this are hard to judge. Fortunately, we have a very good physical therapist at camp." Chiron replied.

"Who?" I asked curiously wondering who it was.

"Me," He chuckled. "When you live as long as I have, you pickup a thing or two."

The next two days passed by in a flash. I didn't do much during the day just eating and doing some stretches that Chiron said should help my blood circulation to my legs. I was bored for a bit until I asked Annabeth if she had some books I could borrow. She seemed surprised by that. I didn't understand until I remembered that most demigods have some form of dyslexia so they don't usually read books.

She was so excited to recommend me some books. Most of them were about architecture which was to be expected. She gave me the beginner books which I appreciated. I looked through them, but to be honest architecture really isn't my thing. Annabeth seemed so happy that I asked her to explain the stuff in the book in more detail. We talked for hours about different architectural things. She was explaining a really interesting tidbit about Mount Olympus when Grover ran in looking panicked.

"Y/n, we have a problem."

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