Chapter 14

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An: thank you for sticking around lol

"He's the one. He must be."

I was a little more lucid than Percy, but was unable to actually say anything due to my mouth not working properly. I tried to sit up by myself, but got picked up by Annabeth. I weakly pointed to Percy and Grover unconscious bodies before slipping into unconsciousness myself. I did not dream or at least I don't remember any dreams. I don't know how long I was asleep, but when I woke up I felt absolutely awful. Why do I feel so bad?

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospitally looking room. I must be in the infirmary. I looked around and was happy to learn that Percy was in the bed next to me still sleeping soundly. I heard someone clearing their throat and turned to see Chiron rolling my way.

"How are you feeling?" Chiron asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Unless, of course, you count the squeak, which I was not. Chiron chuckled before handing me a glass of water. I slowly sat up feeling really dizzy. Chiron put a hand on my back and helped me drink the water. After I drank about half, I felt I had enough energy to talk.

"I feel awful."

"I'm sure. You have sustained some injuries." He said. "Your spine has been lightly fractured and your nose is bruised."


"Oh, it's not too bad although it will take a while for it to heal. You are mortal so nectar and ambrosia won't work for you."

"I figured."

"Are you able to move your legs?"

"No," I replied after attempting to stand.

"I thought so. I made sure to have this ready for you for when you awoke." He told me pointing to an old wheelchair in front of my bed that I had somehow overlooked.

"Thank you," I replied as he wheeled the chair to me.

"No problem, Y/n," He said. "Do you think you would be up to going to the big house with me to talk with Mr. D?"

"Sure. Could you help me though? I'm not really proficient in wheelchairs."

"Of course," Chiron smiled standing up out of his wheelchair.

He's taller than expected. I thought as he scooped me up and set me into the chair. I heard a surprised grunt in Percy's direction so I turned to investigate. He was sitting up staring in shock at Chiron. Before anyone could say anything, he fell back on the bed already asleep. Chiron then wheeled me to the big house where Mr. D was waiting sitting at the card table.

"Is this the girl you told me about?" Mr. D asked tiredly.

"Yes. This is Y/n L/n," Chiron answered.

"Yes, yes. Nice to meet you," Mr. D sighed clearly not caring.

"Its nice to meet you too," I replied trying to be nice.

"Whatever." He said taking out a pack of cards. "What would you like to play?"

I said nothing until I realized he was talking to me. Unsure of what to say, I just shrugged.

"Well, if I am going to stay awake during what I assume will be a very boring conversation, then I'll have to be playing something."

"Uh...go fish?" I suggested not remembering anything else to play with cards.

"Alright, anyone else want to play?" He asked shuffling the deck.

"Yes," a mysterious voice called out from a bush.

Grover emerged from the bush cursing when he got his foot stuck. He yanked his foot out and tumbled to the ground before quickly getting up. He then walked to the table and sat in the chair the furthest away from the annoyed looking god which really wasn't far. Chiron had gone to get his magic wheelchair so that he could sit with us too.

"Ok. Since we are all here, what did you want to talk about." Mr. D asked dealing the cards.

"Y/n, who are you really? You showed up Yancy Academy after the lightning bolt was stolen and I know you haven't been completely honest with me." Chiron started as Mr. D asked me if I had any fives.

"I am me," I replied vaguely as I handed over my five. "Grover, you got any nines?"

"Y/n," he sighed. "You know that's not what I meant."

"I know," I answered as Grover said go fish.

"Are you going to explain at all? How am I supposed to take your word that you didn't take the master bolt if I can't trust you." Chiron asked handing Grover an ace.

"I guess you don't have to take my word for it, but if I had the bolt you'd know."

"What does that mean?" Chiron questioned confused. "Do you have a three?"

"Go fish. And you'd know because you'd hear of random things exploding." I told him looking at my cards. "Mr. D, do you have a six?"

"Well, that's good to know. Now I'd like you to tell me how you got into the academy." Chiron said as I was handed a six.

"I told you. I don't know. I went to sleep and then woke up in a strange bed at some preppy academy that I don't remember ever attending."

"Y/n," Chiron said in a stern voice.

"She's telling the truth," Mr. D cut in coming to my rescue. "And go fish."

"What do you mean?" Chiron asked grabbing another card from the deck.

"It's just as I said. She is telling you the truth. I can sense some godly power on her so it seems someone thought it was a good idea to send her to the academy. Why though I have no idea."

"I have godly power residue on me? Do you know which god?" I questioned intrigued.

"No. There's multiple ones that I can sense. They are all familiar, but for some reason I can't tell who they are. It feels as though whoever did it doesn't want to be found out." Mr. D said thoughtfully.

"That's weird." I replied grabbing another card. "Do you think it's someone you know?"

"Oh. Most definitely. The problem is I don't know who."

"But who would want to do that? Is it a distraction so we don't find who really took the master bolt?" Grover asked finally contributing to the conversation.

"That I don't know. And it seems like I have won this round." Mr. D replied smugly.

"Darn," I said opening the can of coke Mr. D gave to me.

"This has certainly given me more questions than answers." Chiron told us stroking his beard deep in thought.

"You're telling me." I snorted offering the empty can to Grover who took it happily.

"Well, it's time for dinner so let's head to the pavilion." Chiron said already wheeling off.

Grover was nice and offered to push me to the pavilion when he noticed my weak arms couldn't get me very far. I gladly accepted because I felt really tired even though I had only woken up like an hour ago. Grover and I didn't say anything as he pushed me along. The silence was nice until it was ended by tons of rowdy teens talking to one another.

I hate crowds.

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