Chapter 10

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An: Thank you for reading my book

"Now tell me more about Mrs. Dodds"

Percy folded his arms and stared at me with a serious look on his face. I surveyed my surroundings and saw a couple of students sitting at one of the many tables trying to study. I can tell him something right? I just can't tell him everything. He quietly stared at me as I pondered what I would probably be allowed to tell him. Finally, I figured I could tell him the bare minimum so I grabbed his arm and guided him towards an empty corner hidden by shelves.

"What I'm about to tell you is a secret. Do you understand?" I asked. "If I tell you what you want to know, will you promise not to tell anybody?"

"Yes," he nodded curiously.

"And do you promise to take me to meet your mom?"

"Why do you want to meet my mom?"

"Do you want to know or not?"

"Fine. I'll take you to meet my mom during the break."

I took a deep breath before saying, "Mrs. Dodds was the math teacher before Ms. Kerr. As you know, Mrs. Dodds doesn't work here anymore."

"But why doesn't anyone remember her?"

"They do, but they are all playing one massive and elaborate prank on you."

"That doesn't make any sense and why would Grover go along with it?" he asked not believing my obvious lie.

"Because they threatened to harm the both of you if he ever told you and he doesn't want you to get hurt. I'm only telling you this so you stop asking questions that could potentially get Grover hurt." I replied hoping he'd believe this rediculous lie I made up on the spot.

"That's so messed up," he said giving me a hug. "Thank you for telling me and I promise to stop asking questions about her."

"No problem and if you want to let Grover know that you know make sure that you take him to a secluded place. You'll have to tell him exactly as I just told you before he'll say anything more on the matter."

"I will. Thanks Y/n! I'll go talk to him now." he said happily as he went to go find Grover.

I waved bye as he left glad that he actually seemed to believe me. Now it's time for what I've been waiting for. Reading books. I didn't know if I was allowed to check out books so I found a book to read and sat on a comfy couch. I read for an unknown amount of time before I heard someone clear their throat loudly in front of me. I looked up to see someone I've never seen before. I assumed he was a student because he was wearing the uniform. I ignored him and tried to continue reading my book, but he snatched it out of my hands.

"Why are you ignoring me Y/n?" he asked snobily.

"I'm trying to read and you are being annoying," I replied standing up.

I attemped to get it back, but he held it above his head. Curse these short arms. He looked smug that I couldn't reach. The smug look on his face disappeared when I kicked his shin which made him drop the book and grab his leg.

"What was that for?" he said angrily.

"You were being annoying," I told him as I walked away to put the book back. He just ruined my day.

Once the book was back on the shelf, I left the library in search of my room. I really need to start remembering where everything is. Maybe I should ask for a map. Somehow I made it back without having to ask a random passerby for help. When I walked in, the room was empty. I kinda thought Nancy would be here, but whatever more alone time for me. I'm all peopled out for today. I took this free time to look around my side of the room more.

I rummaged through my dresser drawers first. I found nothing too out of the ordinary. The only thing I found that was weird was a smartphone. Wait a minute? Did smartphones like this even exist in here? Doesn't this take place around 2002? I turned on the phone to see the background I used for my phone.

I opened the phone to see most of the same apps I had on my phone. There were two new apps. One was a book app that only had Percy Jackson books on it. It also had the Magnus Chase books and the rest of Riordan's many books. I don't know why, but I'm still happy that the phone has it. It gives me a chance to reread them whenever I want even though I'm in technically in the book.

The second app was a type of messaging app. I opened it out of curiosity only for it to glitch out and immediately close. I tried it a couple more times for it to do the exact same thing. I gave up and continued on my search going into my closet. Like before, most of the clothes were pastel and fancy things I would never actually wear unless I was forced too.

Fortunatlly, I found a box filled with hoodies, sweatpants, and leggings. Why haven't I seen this box before? No matter. I'm just happy I found it. Directing my attention to another box I had never seen before, I walked to it and opened it up. Inside was a small sheathed knife, some combat boots, and compact backpack with a bunch of stuff inside.

I couldn't investigate any further because a loud bang caused me to jump and hit my head on the wall. I held my head and walked out of my closet to a furious Nancy. She glared at me when I emerged from my nice little closet. For some reason, she would not talk to me. She purpously would look at me and then look away making an annoying sound as if waiting for me to ask about it. I was going to ignore her and her weird behavior, but that noise was getting on my nerves.

"What's wrong, Nancy?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong you kicked the headmaster's son!"

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