Chapter 11

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An: thank you for reading my book 😊 I used some dialogue from the book this chapter to make it more detailed.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong you kicked the headmaster's son!"

Nancy shouted shaking me by the shoulders. "Why would you do that? Now you are going to get expelled after the semester ends."

"I didn't know." I replied. How was I supposed to know? It was never mentioned in the book. I don't really think it's a bad thing though.

"I know you didn't know, but they think you are faking your amnesia spells," Nancy said no longer shouting.

"But I'm not," I whispered.

"I know," Nancy sighed. "Don't worry. I'll handle everything."

After that day, time seemed to fly by. I was doing good in most of my classes due to Grover's assistance. The only class I wasn't good in was gym class. I have never been good at physical activity anyway. I grew really close to Grover and Percy, much to Nancy's annoyance, through the months. She tried to convince me to stop hanging out with them, but when she saw how happy I was becoming she dropped the issue. She also stopped harassing them so much while I was around, only doing things discreetly behind my back most times.

Percy, on the other hand, was doing worse just like in the books. His D's turned to F's and he wasn't studying anymore exept for Latin class. The evening before the final, I was in Percy's room helping him study since I knew how much this meant to him. Unfortanitly, it wasn't going so well. He would try to read the textbook, but I could tell that he really couldn't read it so I took the book from him to read outloud.

When that still didn't work, I suggested that he go seek help from Mr. Brunner. I can't mess up the book too much or I won't know what will happen next. I thought as he agreed with my statement.

"Can you go with me?" He asked looking embarrassed.

"Sure," I replied standing up.

We walked to Mr. Brunner's office and like in the book his office was the only one with the lights on. We were three steps from the door when we heard voices in the office. One was Mr. Brunner's and the other's was Grover. Percy frooze when he heard Grover's. I know he wasn't usually an eavesdropper, but since he was the subject he wanted to so I let him. He inched closer to hear better. Since I alredy know what they were talking about, I stood back a little watching his facial expressions go from curiosity to confusion. When he dropped his Mythology book, I grabbed it off the floor and draggeed him into the nearest room.

"Be quiet," I whispered shushing him.

He nodded and held his breath as Mr. Brunner stopped right out front of the door before moving on. I could hear him and Grover talking for a few more minutes until they left. We waited in the dark in silence for awhile. We both left and went our seperate ways, him to his room and me to mine. Luckily, Nancy was already asleep so it was easy for me to slip in unnoticed.

The next day, we were leaving the exam room when Mr. Brunner called Percy over. Percy wanted me to stay so we could leave together so I did. I gave them as much privacy as I could from a couple feet away. I could see Nancy smirking at him and making sarcastic kissing motions with her lips. I almost went over there and rebroke her nose, but Percy was done listening to Mr. Brunner.

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