𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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Killua withdraws from the hug quicker than you could say peter pepper picked a peck of pickled peppers. 

"How do you know?" 

I roll my eyes. "It's obvious. White hair? Blue eyes? Very strong? An assassin? Very smart? Very good at many things? Can rip out people's hearts with no thought?"

Killua looks away. I can see I've hurt him. "Oh, no, Killua. I didn't mean it like that." 

"Ok, so I'm a Zoldyck. People probably already know though." Desperate to change the subject, he asks why I wanted him to keep my card on him at all times. 

I put out my hand. He places the card I gave him, the King of Hearts, in my hand and I turn it over to the lightning bolt. "Look at this, Killua. The diamonds on here? They're infused with some sort of power that my mom had. She could heal anyone. I have that power. But not the point. The point is that she infused the diamonds with protection, basically healing. If you're holding the card in your palm, if you ever get hurt, it'll automatically heal."

"Are you gonna give it to the rest of them?" 

"Yeah! Except for Tonpa. And I can't give out the numbered cards. Those have the diamonds, but no healing powers. That's why, when I tossed out a card at Hisoka, it was the ten of spades. Also, the healing powers only work if I give you the card. If you steal it, the card will never work." 

"Cool!" Killua exclaims, hitting me back with a pillow. 

"What is wrong with you!?" I hit him right back with my pillow. The fight goes on for a little more, until I hear someone snoring. "Is that Gon?" 

Killua looks at me, and I can tell we have the same idea. Killua tosses a pillow at him. 

"You're supposed to hit him, stupid," I scoff.

"Well, I didn't." We watch the pillow dive straight for Gon. Immediately, his hand comes up and smacks it in my face. 

"Oh, Gon! You're gonna pay for that." I smack him in the face with my pillow. We start hitting each other.

Gon falls. "Ahh!" 

I fall on top of him. "Oof." 

Killua quickly takes the couch from under us and makes a makeshift arena. Then he puts a foot on our backs and raises a hand in triumph. "Ha! I win!" Suddenly, he jumps up. I watch him as he looks around in fear. "Who is that!" He looks again before smiling down at us. "It must've been my imagination."

"You good up there?" I ask him. 

He smirks. "Yeah."

"Hey, pipe down!" Leorio shouts. We giggle. "Let me sleep some more!" He turns, just as Tonpa puts a stinky foot at his nose. "That stinks!" We laugh more.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now