𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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We head back to the base after waiting for Uvogin a little. I know that he's going after Kurapika, but its a fact that Kurapika is smarter than him, and thus stronger than him. I need not worry about Kurapika.

Poor Uvogin. In the little time that I had known him, I had learned that his pride ruled over common judgment. 

Chrollo is expressing his thoughts thoroughly about the chain user, or Kurapika. "If he fails to return  by dawn," he finishes, "There will be a change in plans." 


We need money. Badly.

"I can't believe you pawned your hunter license!" I exclaim to Gon. He's just surprised at how much money it was.

We start walking through the market, when Gon stops. We go to him, and he's picking up a knife, asking what it is.

I explain it to him. "How'd you know what it was?" 

"I don't know. It drew me here, and when I used Gyo, I saw a faint aura around it." 

I use Gyo too, while Gon explains what it is to Leorio. We split up, looking for Nen infused items and putting down amounts of money we're willing to pay. 

Gon calls me. "There's this guy, he's bidding for the exact same things we are. His name is Zepile." 

"Yeah, I got him over here as well. Just put a higher bid until the deadline," I tell him. "That way we could get more." That way I could walk more and focus on something other than HER.

Later, we walk away with our purchases. "Got three and lost one."

"Yeah, he got that weird pot," gon nods. 

"Let's just take these to the auction house."

At the auction house, we're met with the wet slap of rejection, as we are told that we cannot sell these once the catalog has been published. 

"Is there any way we can auction these off, then?" I exclaim, hoping that my hopeful attitude would change his mind.

It doesn't. He just directs us to the trade market, which we've never heard of.

We get there, and we walk around with the things, looking at everything else. 

"The trade market," Gon sighs happily looking around at everything. "Professionals are here, so if one of these are genuine, we're sure to get a good price."

"If," I say. 

We make idle chat, and head into a building to ask the prices of our stuff. We pretend to be "adopted" siblings and claim that we found that stuff in our dad's basement. I smile as wide as I can. 

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now