𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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In a day, we gain tons of cards, have a highly expected-to-be-eventful trade-off that turned out to be uneventful, and go to a casino to try to get more cards. Killua becomes a little . . . addicted, so we knock him out. 

I put him on my back and we travel to the next city for more cards. A few days later, we had acquired more than half the cards needed to clear the game. 

We're walking through the forest, me and Bisky, and Gon and Killua, when Killua stops. "If you guys went to Masadora, but there weren't any leave cards, what would you do?" he asks randomly, turning around to look at us three.

"Well," Bisky replies, tapping her chin, "I'd save money up until a Leave arrives." Me and Gon agree. 

Killua grins. "Ok! Then what if you got a really super rare spell card while waiting?" 

"I would sell it and get more cards and wait," Gon says. 

"I would sell it and keep the money until a Leave appears," I comment. 

"Really? I would save it. Wouldn't it be horrible if all the cards you bought were worthless? If you saved it, you might be able to trade it for a Leave-" 

We all gasp and head to Masadora. 

More adventures ensue, when, out of the blue, we get contacted. 

"You! You're the one who stole the Sword of Truth from us!" I point at the screen.

The man chuckles, embarrassed, but then he explains why he called us. After he hangs up, we talk it over and in the end, we decide to go there.

"Thanks for coming, everyone," the man says. "Much appreciated." He cuts down to the chase and tells us about a team about to clear the game. "We need to stop them." 

Killua raises a hand. "How do we check the ranking?" 

"You don't know how to do that? If we answer those questions, we'll be here all night!" A snotty girl asks, pointing her abnormally huge nose into the sky. "Just cut to the chase." 

"Hey, don't be so mean," the guy says. Mukanaki. That was his name. "These kids have more information than you." 

"Hmmph. Not possible. They don't even know how to use a Trade shop." 

Mukanaki explains to us how to use it, but I'm seething. Killua notices and puts a reassuring hand around my fist. I cool down, but I still glare at her. 

Mukanaki explains to us what cards Genthru has and how we don't know their abilities. 

The girl, whose name I can't even bother to remember, starts arguing with the man who called us to this canyon. "I want people on my team that can actually contribute," she huffs, crossing her arms and looking away from us.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now