𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲

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We walk through the rain. Chrollo has a special power in that book of his, so it protects us from getting wet. Boarding a train, I spot Killua. He looks at me grimly, and I smile back at him and wink. His eyes flash, and then he goes into another car.

Damn. He's hot.

I shake my head and hold onto a pole as we go, me and Shizuku making small talk. 

Coming out of the train station, we walk slowly and calmly. People swerve around us, but don't even bother to yell. I smile slightly to myself. If only this is how it was all the time. 

"The eyes," Kortopi says. "They're descending slowly." 

"An elevator. We attack as a group," Danchou demands. "Stay close enough to provide assistance. Pakunoda, once we capture him, take the information about Uvo from him." 

"Got it." The Paku I usually know is gone, and in her place is a stone-cold woman whose face betrayed no emotion. 

"After that, Nobunaga, he's all yours. Go!" 

We start running for the hotel. I must admit, I fell behind for the first second, and then I quickly catch up and pace with them. 

There are too many people on the sidewalks, so we hop on the sides of buildings and start running, jumping between them. 

I stay right behind Chrollo, following him since I could not hear Kortopi's voice. 

"We're being followed," Chrollo announces. "Nobunaga, Kortopi, Paku, Shizuku, go ahead. Machi, Y/N, stay with me." 

I nod, and then skid around. Don't be Kurapika. Don't be Gon. Don't be Leorio. And please, please don't be Killua. I don't believe in God, but I'm praying to you. Please.

I use Gyo to spot them. Kurapika and Gon. Well shoot. Another figure is approaching fast as well. We start walking forward, when Gon appears from behind the trash can, looking at us defiantly. "Sorry!" he says. "I'll stop following you! Can you let me go?"

Oh? What's happening? 

"This is the one Nobunaga mentioned?" Chrollo asks, looking over at Machi and me.

Machi nods, responding. "The other one's here too. Come out." Killua comes out. What? Where was Kurapika then? "The Mafia who put a reward on us are gone." 

"W-wait what? Really?" Killua exclaims, obviously faking. But I must admit; he's a good liar.

"Tch," Chrollo mutters. "Tie them up." He calls Phinks and tells him to meet us at the hotel. We head over. 

At the hotel, we're greeted by a screaming man behind a newspaper. He's yelling nonsense, but when he lowers the paper, his eyes gleam. Leorio! I listen in to what he has to say.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now