𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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We learn a lot over the next two weeks. Strategising, attacking, defend. Ko, Ken, Ryu, and more. 

Then it's time for training in our categories. Gon's an enhancer, Killua is a transmuter, and I'm a specialist. 

Gon shows his power first. "Rock . . . Paper . . . Rock!" He throws out a fist infused with Nen and the gigantic boulder crumbles. 

"Wow!" I exclaim. 

Next is Killua. He changes his aura to electricity. Looking at me, he smiles as I stare at the electricity. "Well, that's all I can do for now. If I charge, it'll be more." 

"So what about you, Y/N?" Bisky asks. 

I stare at the ground, suddenly shy. "My power only really works in a fight. I would show you, but you would get hurt and hate me." 

Killua raises a hand. "I'll do it. I won't ever hate you, Y/N." 

"Wait, really? Are you sure about this? It really hurts. That's why Tsezguerra was kind of scared of me at that place." 

"You made that guy scream?" Bisky asks. 


"Then I'm going to do this. Killua, Gon, you're training. I haven't done anything." 

She comes up to me. 

"Promise you won't hate me?" I ask. 


I transform into my devil form and fly over them. Then I look into Bisky's eyes. She starts to convulse in pain. I immediately change into an angel and heal her. It takes some time, though, since I also decide to heal her other injuries. 

Bisky straightens up, smiling. "Cool!" 

The boys are staring at me. "And you never told me this?" Gon yells. 

"Y/N how could you?" Killua wails. "I thought we were a team!" 

I laugh, my fright of being left here gone. "Well, you didn't show me your powers!" 

"Wait! The Hunter Exam is coming up!" 

We hurry to Masadora to get information on how to temporarily leave the game. We find a way and then say goodbye to Killua. 


"Killua!" I yell, running into his arms. "Did you make it in?" 

"I passed in no time, naturally," Killua grins at me. Gon comes up. 

"Not trying to ruin your celebration, but let's head back to that rocky place to show you these spell cards!" 

I hug my sweatshirt to my chest as Killua fan-girls over all the cards. "There's even a S-rank card! Let's try out these cards! What about Contact?" 

I lean over Killua's shoulder to see who we can contact. "Hey! Dad's here?" 

"What?!" Gon races over and looks at the name printed. Chrollo Lucilfer. "But I thought you could only get in here if you used Nen!" 

"Same! And how would Dad even get in here?" 

"Have you seen him?" Killua demands.

"I haven't seen him." 

"Maybe you passed without noticing?" 

"I think Gon would notice a man with either a big cloak on or bandages on his forehead, Killua!"

"Yeah. And Kurapika sealed his Nen!" Gon says. 

"Hey! This is my dad we're talking about!" 

"Sorry! But you need Nen to enter the game!" Killua exclaims.

For some reason, Bisky punches us and we launch in the air. When we land, she demands to know what we're talking about. We tell her about what happened in Yorknew City. 

"You can undo Nen," she explains to us. 

"Oh! I'm going to ask Kurapika." Killua waves goodbye and rushes off before we can do anything. We look at each other and raise an eyebrow, but in the end, we wait patiently under the shade of the tree.

When Killua comes back, he says that the nen is still on Chrollo. 

"Well, I guess you three worried for nothing." We turn to Bisky. "Let's bring the topic back to ourselves, though. No more training! We have a game to clear." 

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quick chapter :)

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quick chapter :)

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now