𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Stepping foot on Zevil Island, I jump into the trees, moving through the treetops, looking for my target. I find him almost immediately, as he's in the trees too. Now I just need to watch him and wait to see how he takes out other people. Man, figuring out if he's lucky or has powers is going to be so long and such a pain. 

I see a figure jump up onto a tree ahead of me, but my target doesn't notice it. I go over to the person and look who it is. 

"Gon!" I say.

"Y/N!" he smiles up at me. 

"Who'd you get? I got someone with the number 118."

"Hisoka," he groans. 

"Oof. That suck," I attempt to console. I know I'm getting no where with it, though. "Look, I'd stay with you longer, but I've already found my target already, but meet me at where the ship was tonight, ok?"

"Ok! And good luck!" 

I continue following 118. There's something trailing us. I look behind me and see pink butterflies. I stop for a second, and the butterflies stop and land on my finger. I glance under the wings and see that they are sucking on my . . . blood? 

So they follow the scent of blood, I think. My cut's not very deep, just a cut from some tree bark. I cover it up with a leaf until all the blood leaking out is gone. The butterflies leave me, choosing to now go forwards. 

I follow them, in hopes that they'll lead me to my target. They do.

118 is sitting at the top of the tree, watching the butterflies on his leg. I watch in fascination as the butterflies drink from his wound. 

Suddenly, two cards come flying at my target. I'd recognize those cards anywhere. "Hisoka." 

The man I just named comes over and watches the body fall to the floor. He bends down and picks up the ID, saying out loud, "Might as well. Damn, I thought it was someone else." 

Shit. No. This isn't good. I need that card. I watch Hisoka put the tag in his yellow jacket's pocket. So I need to follow Hisoka, find him when he's not watching out for anyone, and steal the ID? This is going to be harder than I thought, I guess. And all that work on following him was of no use. He doesn't know Nen, I know that for sure.

I lick my fingers and hold them up. I'm downwind. Quickly, I hide my presence. Hisoka either doesn't notice me or ignores me as he walks away. 

I follow Hisoka until he sits down at the base of a tree. The red butterflies fly up to him and start to peck at his wounded shoulder. 

Looking up at the sky, I see that it's almost nightfall. I need to meet up with Gon. Hurrying, I jump from tree branch to branch until I'm at the dock. I see Gon in the treetops and launch myself up there. 

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now