𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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We look at the clock back at base. Three hours. That's how much time we have to get into the auction and take the money and merchandise. 

I change into my dress. Nobunaga and Uvogin aren't going in, so they hold our regular clothes in a duffel bag. I nicely place my clothing inside the bag, along with my two cinquedea.

"Are those your weapons?" Uvogin asks.


When we're back in Yorknew City, Phinks steals a limo and we pile in. At the entrance of the auction, we get out in pairs. Me and Feitan, Machi and Shalnark, Paku and Phinks, and then Shizuku and Franklin.

Uvogin drives away, and we walk into the auction. I feel eyes on me so I turn around. Sure enough, I see Kurapika staring at me. I wink at him, and then I turn back around.


Wait, what? I glance at Melody and then back down at Y/N. The little kid that I knew from the Hunter Exam had changed. Drastically. Her aura; what had once been an aura that you'd barely bat an eyelash at had turned into a dangerous monster you would have to think twice about crossing. She seemed that much more powerful. 

Y/N turns around and winks at me. 

Shoot. Did she actually see me? Does that mean that the rest of them did? And if she's with those people. That means that she's with . . .  the Phantom Troupe? Maybe . . . I do not know. My eyes turn a sudden scarlet at the thought. Melody notices, but I don't mind her as thoughts shoot through my mind. But if those people are the Phantom Troupe, that means she got in. She got in! Does she know how dangerous that is? Past Kurapika, remind me again why you didn't convince her?


We walk up to the platform in front of all the mafia bosses. I trail a slender finger down my throat and onto my necklace that Feitan gives me. I squeeze his hand real quick and then let go, going and leaning against a pole inside the room. 

Feitan and Franklin walk up to the platform, Feitan in front of the microphone, Franklin behind Feitan. 

Feitan clears his throat. "Okay . . . Welcome, everyone. So, I'm skipping the formalities." He smirks and looks at me. I smirk right back. 

Franklin extends his hands, and the top of his fingers pop off, only connected to his hand through a single chain. Bullets start pouring out, hitting everyone in the room. 

People are falling down everywhere. Outside, Shizuku, who had already changed, kills anyone who tries to escape with Blinky, a vacuum that can suck up almost anything. 

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now