𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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It's early dawn when my eyes open. I adjust to the sight in front of me. I'm laying on Feitan's lap, and sunlight is streaming through the broken stained windows. I see Chrollo is awake, and reading a book.

"Dad," I whisper quietly so I don't wake anyone up. He looks up at me. "I'ma go back to the city for a walk. I'll be back in half a day? I want to get another moped." 

He nods and returns to his book.

Running to the city isn't very hard, and neither is getting a moped. I found the dealership and spotted the exact same one that I had used previously. I break the lock silently and ride it away. 

I see a cafe open. I purchase a Sprite and a few burgers, along with an extra table cloth that he had. It was stained, so he didn't want to use it. Realizing I ran out of cash, I give the man some of my fake jenny. I feel bad, so I give him an extra big tip. Hopefully, he spends it before the person he gives it to registers that it's fake. 

I take my burgers and soda and moped to the park. Finding a hill, I lay out my blanket and lean against the moped, eating the burgers. I watch as the park fills up with children and parents. 

Among them, I see two far away people with a ton of food. They're gobbling it down when they stop. Perfect time to grab and steal some of their food. After all, do they really need that much? 

I race down the hill, keeping an eye on my moped. Suddenly, I feel someone grab my arm. "Y/N?" they exclaim in surprise. I turn around and see a smiling Kurapika.

"Kurapika!" I cry out, hugging him. 

He hugs me tight. "I thought you were dead. You scared me." He smacks my head. 

"You woke up today and chose violence." 

"Yes. Yes, I did." Kurapika smiles at me again and hugs me tighter. 

"KURAPIKAAA!!" I hear voices exclaim. I hide behind Kurapika and see Gon and Killua, first talking to Kurapika, and then fighting each other with food. 

"Whew!" I watch as Killua jumps over Gon and face palms him with a pie. Kurapika gasps in shock and sympathy, then starts laughing. I do as well. The boys turn to me. 

I see Killua's face light up. "Y/N!" 

"POTATO!" Gon screams. 

Kurapika looks at me weirdly. I shrug. "Gon made it up after Killua started calling me darling. It wasn't my choice. I-" 

That's when I get thrown to the floor by the boys hugging me. "We thought you were dead, Y/N! Killua was crying for hours!" 

I turn to Killua, and we realize how close our faces are. We blush, and he turns his attention to Gon, but not before saying, "Yeah! I was worried! And Gon! You were too, so don't deny it."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now