𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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We touch down on a mossy stone road. Looking ahead, there's a cherry blossom tree blowing petals around us. A guy covered in cloth is fishing. 

Gon steps forward. An eye flashes beneath the cloth. He lets go of the fishing pole, and before it hits the ground, he attacks us, swiping us out from under our feet. I jump up, but a slot machine clown thing bonks me in the head and I fall to the floor. 

Wait. Slot machine clown thing?

The slot machine explains his ability and rolls a #4. A gun comes out. The man points it at us. I'm right in the middle of the gun. Gon jumps out of the way as Killua dives in and rolls me out. Now I'm on top of him. I look away, a small smirk playing on my face, but get off. 

The man starts to shoot, but instead of aiming it back at us, he shoots the gun at the anthill. The ants fall to the floor, and blue blood oozes from them. 

"Are you hurt?" The man asks, walking out from the smoke.

"Are you Ging?" Gon asks. The mysterious person pulls away the cloak and reveals a slim man with long hair. Like Illumi's but white. Gon's face fills with anguish, and I can tell that it isn't Ging. "Th-that's not Ging." 

Killua turns angrily. "Hey! What was that for? First you push us down, and then you shoot at us! Enough fooling around!" 

"Fooling around? I was dead serious." He walks over to us. "If I hadn't shot, you would have been attacked." 

"By what? That ant?!" I say. 

Then, the head of the ant jumps up and bites Killua's thigh. "Oww!" 

The man whips off his cap and sweeps the ant to the floor with one push. Then he kills it with his gun. "That's no ordinary ant." He explains what it is, and I got to say, it surprises the hell out of me. Ants . . . with those type of rebirth abilities? Impressive. 

Gon and the man, whose name is Kite, start to talk. Apparently, they knew each other in the past?

We catch fish for dinner, and Kite-san, he prefers we call him Kite, tells us about how he met Ging. I'm entranced. 

Then we tell him about our story. 

After, Kite finishes up his fish. "Hey, Gon? Want me to tell you Ging's whereabouts?" 

"Nah. I'll find him on my own." 

Kite grins. "Good response." He then tells us more about Ging's adventures, per Gon's request. We fall asleep in the roots of the cherry blossom tree. 

I wake up to a blurry snowball. I blink a few times and see Killua. "Oh, hey!" 

"You slept in. There's a little food left for you. Kite's acquaintances just got here, actually!" Gon says in one breath. Somehow, I understand it.  

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now