𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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On the walk to East Gorteau, we devise a plan. We are going to split up. Killua is going to go and try to save people. He claims that he worked better alone, and me and Gon didn't argue. 

"I trust you, Y/N. Don't die on me." 

"Hey! What about me?!" Gon cries out. 

"Oh, yeah. You too. But she's mine."

I grin and blow a raspberry at Gon. He grumbles before regaining his smile again. Then we split up.

I head to the capital, not stopping for anyone or anything. But I'm drilled on adrenaline from Killua. Before I know it, I'm drained. 

I turn into Devil and use the claws to cut down some trees and make a quick shelter. Transforming back, I go in and fall asleep, my hand comfortingly twisting the ring around my finger. 

I wake up to a buzzing on my finger soon, though. I slap my hand, but the buzzing continues. I rub my eyes and see my promise ring buzzing. No . . . that means he's bleeding. I pull up my compass and head out. 

I start to panic. Pakunoda's voice invades my thoughts. 

Whenever I have panic attacks, I just try to breathe slowly and deeply, counting to six with each breath. It's always helped me. Wanna try with me, Y/N?


I wake up to Ikalgo and a woman arguing. She turns, and I see that it's Y/N. She leaps onto me and wraps me tight. 

"I thought I lost you," she sobs. "And I wasn't even there. I got here when he brought you into the hospital. Ikalgo told me everything. You said that you wouldn't die on me." 

I'd never seen this side of Y/N before. The one I know was caring and sweet, but she's never affected by anything. I kind of liked this side, though. "H-how long was I out?" 

"I've been here for two days. The worst two days of my life. Y-you were just lying there, not doing anything, a-and your chest barely moved and there was blood all over the sheets-"

I wipe the tears from her face and hug her, rocking back and forth, as her hiccups become quiet sobs. When she's done, she sits back down in a chair, playing with her hair as Ikalgo talks to me. I stare at her the entire time. 

Her eyes are downcast and a small smile is playing on her lips. I smile softly at the scene when Ikalgo snaps in my face. "Pay attention. If you move, your wounds could reopen!"

"Y-yeah . . ." 

A doctor comes in and demands his money. Y/N doesn't move and neither do I, but the doctor demands money, so I call Gon for the money. He's worried for me, but sends the money. I go back to where Ikalgo and Y/N are. They are arguing again. 

"Just promise me you'll protect him!" Y/N yells.

"You're not dying anytime soon!" 

"You don't - oh, hey Killua." She waves innocently and I roll my eyes.

"I already told you, you're not allowed to die on me anytime soon." 

Y/N sighs and leans back, sitting back in her chair and reading a magazine, occasionally biting her thumb and a part of her black turtleneck. Her plaid skirt rests beside her legs. I don't miss how her eyes are slightly puffy and red. I frown at the thought of her crying more.

I take off my shirt and start to stretch. 

"How are your wounds gone?" Ikalgo asks. I just shrug again. 

I hear a, "Fuckk,"  from behind me. I glance behind me and smirk as I see Y/N, a huge rush of pink in her cheeks. 

"You're cute when you're flustered." 

"Killua Zoldyck!" 

"Y/n Lucilfer!" I laugh and continue to stretch as she watches me. 


Killua, Gon, Ikalgo, Shoot, Knuckle, and Meleoron, who's another Chimera Ant, decide to meet up in an abandoned warehouse to go over the plan. There, Gon and everyone fills us in on what has been happening to them. After that, we construct a plan. I was to be helping Morel defeat Shaiapouf since Knov was out of the equation. If we still had time, I could go and help Gon and Killua. 

"Also," Knuckle says. "Knov-san wants you to know that he admires you for . . . facing their aura and still wanting to take on Neferpitou?" 

I wrinkle my brow. "What? Killua, wasn't he the one teasing us for leaving the scene? No offense meant at all but ... like ... at the same time ..." 

"Yeah," Killua answers simply. 

We continue with the plan.

The day comes way too quickly. We go into Knov's rooms and wait. Killua falls asleep on my lap, so I play with his hair. Gon finds my backpack, which I plan to keep in this room that Knov has made with his Nen, and snaps a picture on my polaroid. 

I don't move as Gon shows it to me, so Killua doesn't wake up, but I show my anger. Gon quietly giggles. 

"BlAcKmAiL," he laughs. I roll my eyes and stare at the polaroid. 

Killua wakes up right as we start to get ready to go off. I steady myself on the tiled floor. 

"You ready?" Killua whispers to me. I nudge my head forward, not trusting my voice. 

A purplish-blackish hole appears in front of us, and out of it steps a frail old man. I let out a quiet gasp. Knov. 

He nods at us, before moving out of the way and revealing the whole portal. 

Morel jumps first, and then somehow, it's my turn. 

Holding Killua's hand, I close my eyes and jump in.

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