𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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I start hunting with Feitan, him teasing me and prodding me and I'm just there growling at him and playing with his hair. 

Day turns to afternoon, which soon turns to dusk. I get a call from Boss. "Hey, Y/N." 

"Oh yeah, wassup Dad." 

"Oh, you've finally started calling me that. I like it." I giggle. "Anyway, come meet me at the Southern Entrance. I'll be in a limousine. I'll tell you the mission from there. Tell Feitan to meet up with Phinks." 

I relay all of this back to Feitan. "Ok well good luck girly girl." 

I take a deep breath. "Please, please stop calling me that." 

"Mhm, sure." I turn around. "See you later, girly-girl." 

"I give up."

He smirks. 

I meet up with Chrollo. "Wassup?" I relax inside the car. 

He messes with my hair and I revel at how our loving relationship was going already. He's really nice to me, and I can tell that I had him wrapped around my finger. Whenever someone threatened me, he always intervened. But only if I allowed it. I didn't want to use Chrollo as my dad card. 

"I need you to help me get this girl." He shows me a picture of Neon. "I want her ability of fortune telling." 

"So you want me to act extremely peppy about her?" 

"Yes. Can you do it?" 

"How do you think I'm alive?" 

He grins. "There's my little girl." 

"I'm not little," I sniff haughtily and jokingly.

"Sorry," he laughs. 

I see Neon. She's arguing with an officer. Chrollo nods at me and I roll down the window. "Oh. My. God. Is that you? Neon? As in Neon Nostrade? WOW I can't believe I get to meet you in person!"

"I'm sorry . . . Do I know you?" 

I shake my head. "No, but I've heard of you! Your fortune telling skills? AMAZING! Shouldn't you be in the auction?" 

Neon smiles brightly. "Yeah! But this guy, he won't let me in!" 

"Wait, what? This is such a coincidence! You see, my date dropped me so I have an extra ticket. Do you want to come with us?" 

"Sure! But you'll probably have to ask him." 

"Please?!" I turn to Chrollo and glare at him, writing in Nen: I regret agreeing to this. I hate you. You owe me.

"Sure, honey." 

I turn back to Neon. "You can come!" 

Neon heads into the back of the limo. I see Shalnark in the trees and wave to him. He spots me with Chrollo and waves back. 

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝘬. 𝘻𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now