Grilled Cheesus

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Finn lifted his hand before Mr. Schue could even start the week's lesson. "Mr. Schue? I have something I have to say." he said, as he stood up and walked toward the middle of the room. Once he was in front of the group, he rambled with his words which made Haley confused. "What crazy thing is he coming up with now?" she wondered.

"Oh, my God, he's coming out." Puck whispered, loud enough for the group to hear.

"Why, yes." Finn responded, unbothered. "There is a man who's sort of recently come into my life and that man is Jesus Christ."

"That's way worse."

"And I know there's others in here who dig him too. And so I thought maybe this week we could pay tribute to him in music. You know, pay tribute to Jesus."

"Sorry, uh, but if I wanted to sing about Jesus, I'd go to church." Kurt responded, and Haley agreed. "And the reason I don't go to church is because most churches don't think very much of gay people. Or women. Or science."

"He's right." Haley added in agreement with Kurt's response.

"I don't see anything wrong with getting a little church up in here.: Mercedes added.

"I agree." Quinn nodded her head. "I've had a really hard year, and I turned to God a lot for help. I, for one, wouldn't mind saying thanks."

"Thanks for what?" Santana scoffed at her friend's response. "That didn't come out of a lizard baby?"

"Tana be nice." Haley warned quietly, not wanting to deal with more outbursts.

"Whenever I pray, I fall asleep." Brittany interjected.

"Well, guys maybe our song selections don't have to be about Jesus." Mr. Schue tried to convince the group. "We could do songs about spirituality.

Noticing Puck making a face, Finn sent him a look and harshly asked. "You got a problem with Jesus?"

"Oh, I got no problem with the guy. I'm a total Jew for Jesus." Puck defended himself. "He's my number one Hebe. What I don't like seeing is people using J-Money to cramp everybody else's style' cause it seems to me that true spirituality --- or whatever you want to call it --- is about enjoying the life that you've been given. I see God every time I make out with a new chick."

"Really though?" Haley asked in disbelief.

"Okay, okay. That doesn't make any sense." Rachel said, rolling her eyes. "In fact, it's stupid."

"Are you calling Mr. Billy Joel stupid?" Puck challenged her as he got up to grab the spare guitar. "At this time I'd like to continue my streak of doing only songs by Jewish artists. Hit it."

{Only the Good Die Young-sung by Puck}

As he sang his song, everyone gradually began to get into it, either singing or dancing. Everyone, except for Kurt who Haley noticed wasn't too thrilled about this week's lesson. Haley wasn't a hundred percent thrilled either, but she continued to jam to the music.
When the news of Burt's heart attack had spread through the group, they knew they had to be there for Kurt and even though Haley, Santana, Brittany, Quinn could be bitchy, they very well knew to be respectful about what happened.

"Hey, Kurt. We're really sorry about your dad's heart attack. Santana said gently as she approached Kurt with Brittany, Quinn and Haley behind her.

"Just know that you can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you." Haley added, smiling sympathetically at one of her close friends.

"Thanks girls." he replied, seemingly emotionless and refusing to make direct eye contact.

"I did a book report on heart attacks if you want to give it to the doctor." Brittany said, giving him her colorful handmade book. "I got knocked down an entire letter grade 'cause it was written in crayon." She added innocently.

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