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As her alarm clock struck midnight on February 7th, Haley sat up in bed. "It's my birthday!" She cheered as Sam tiredly sat up beside her. "Happy Birthday baby, I love you, and I'm going back to bed." He said as she gave him a quick kiss.

As she arose in the morning, Sam came into her room with breakfast, and balloons. She clapped happily. If you knew Haley really well, she loved her birthday, and this was the second year, people really seemed to care.

"Happy Birthday, Hay." Sam said smiling, as she leaned up against him. "I love you so much, and you better be prepared for some surprises later on."

"Oh, trust me, I will!" She said excitedly, as Sam wrapped her into a hug. After a while he pulled away.

"Here's your gift." Sam said handing her a bag.

She opened it up, gasping when she saw a CD and a notebook full of songs and letters.

"I wrote some songs dedicated to you, and every night since we've been together, I've been writing you love letters, and then I also included a CD with songs that we love." Sam explained.

"Thanks baby, I love it, I love you." She said, pressing her forehead against his.

"I love you Haley."
As Haley entered the choir room, she saw balloons everywhere and she saw Tina carrying a cake towards her as everyone sang her Happy Birthday.

"Happy Birthday to Haley." Finn said as everyone wished her a happy birthday.

"Thanks guys." She smiled, giving everyone a hug and moving, to sit on Sam's lap, eating a piece of cake."18 feels great, not any different, but I feel old, like a young old." She chuckled, as everyone laughed.

After a few minutes of chatting and celebration, Finn began the class that week.

"Diva." Finn said, writing it down on the board. "So, now that we're back in the game, we've got to come strong. Diva Week is all about finding your inner powerhouse."

"Miss Pillsbury." He continued, giving her the word.

"That's right. The Online Urban Dictionary defines a diva as a fierce, often temperamental singer who comes correct. She is not a trick-ass ho and she does not sweat da haterz." Miss Pillsbury said.

"Great, so I guess the guys are screwed this week." Jake sighed.

"Hum... Guys can be divas." Blaine spoke up.

"That's right, we all have inner divas. I myself have been considered quite a diva at many local restaurants because I know what I want and I will send a dish back." Miss. Pillsbury said.

"You might as well just quit while you're ahead because there are only two ways to spell Unique, and one of them is. D-I-V-A... Diva. M'kay? Shante, I stay, and it will be brought, dished out, and served and mopped up by the time you even pick out a wig." Unique said, pointing to Tina, who wore an offended look.

"Looking at you, clocking that sadness. I have more diva in my little finger than you have in your whole angry inch, Wade-Unique." Tina replied.

"Tina, you've kind of been talking some ridiculous trash for months, unchallenged, and that stops now." Challenged Marley.

"Listen, guys can be divas." Blaine said.

"Nope, y'all, the true diva is in the house, and lucky for me, I had some training from Auntie Snixx herself. So you all can just move down the line, and out the door." Haley challenged, as Sam chuckled.


As they finished arguing, they finally turned to their attention to Miss Pillsbury. "And that...Is how I made the manager cry at the Cheesecake Factory... By being a diva. Yay, divas!"
As Haley sat working on some homework alone in the dance studio, she heard a knock on the door. She swore that the balloons that had appeared, hadn't been there before.

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