The Substitute

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(Haley's voiceover as she's walking through the hallway. We hear her voice close to tears):

"This morning was hard. Honestly, it started like any other day. My mom completely ignored my presence, and my dad attacked me, yelling profanities at me for not emptying the dishwasher. Okay so, I've forgotten twice. He always yells at me over the small things. He even threatened to throw my phone out the window and take away my Glee club privileges. Like I even know what that means. I actually manage to pay for my school costs and my supplies, and everything with help from Burt and Carol. They are really like second parents to me, and have actually been there for me. If that helps explain my close relationship to Finn and Kurt . I don't know what I would do without them."
Haley sat in the choir room a little zone out, and not feeling her best due to her stress and anxiety level that week.

"Alright, guys, um...Time to start thinking about song selections." Mr. Schue said as he wrote on the white board, moving to reveal that he had written Sectionals on the board.

No one seemed to be as attentive as usual, it was a rather slow week. Clearly he was sick or must've zone out as he heard Santana speak.

"Lookin' good, Puckerman. Someone's been eating their wheaties."

"These guns are fully loaded." Puck responded, with a smirk.

"Mr. Schue?" Rachel was next to speak. "I, for one, think we should use our set list for sectionals to start exploring the oeuvre of one Bernadette Peters."

"Someday, I'm gonna go to Paris and visit the oeuvre." Brittany commented as Haley leaned in towards her. "It's the Louvre, sweetie, not the oeuvre." Haley went on to speak a few sentences out loud in French.

"I just want to dance." Mike sighed.

"Mr. Schuester, are you okay?" asked Mercedes. "You look a little green."

"Um...I think I'm gonna go see the nurse. But first I feel like I should get you guys a sitter."

"Did he really just say that?" asked Haley, rhetorically.

Rachel jumped at her chance to take over the lesson. Walking over to the whiteboard, she erased Sectionals and wrote ME on the board.

"Class, in Mr. Schuester's absence, I'd like to go around and ask everyone what solos they'd like to hear me sing at sectionals." she announced.

This got both Santana and Haley annoyed that Sam and Finn had to hold both of the girls back from going to attack Rachel. "iTu eres loca!" Santana yelled and Haley was quick to disapprove of Rachel as well. "Vous êtes une chienne!" Haley yelled. Rachel stood and screamed in complete horror. Quinn couldn't help but laugh at the girls' sudden angry outbursts.

"Ça va être un cours amusant." Haley mumbled sarcastically, continuing to speak in French.
Later on, Kurt, Haley and Mercedes were standing in line for food.

"I can't stress it enough. I was shaking." Kurt said to the two of them. "Its either from low blood sugar or simply rage."

"If I must be honest, I knew that Rachel would attempt to take over Glee Club sooner or later." Haley said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"We'll forget all about this during our hangout tonight." Mercedes reassured them as Haley grinned.

Kurt interjected. "I can't,'' he sent them an apologetic look. "Blaine actually asked me to hang out with him." He said. Both girls frowned and turned to look at him.

"Are you two you know, a thing?" Haley asked cautiously, but she was genuinely curious.

"What? No, no. I don't want another Jessie-Rachel traitor situation to occur." He tried to cover up his crush, but the girls could see right through him.

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