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"All right, let's uh, let's gather around." Mr. Schue said, walking into the choir room, causing everyone to break their conversations and get to their seats. "Sorry I'm late, guys. I was with Principle Figgins. Bad news, guys. Puckerman's in juvie."

"It really was just a matter of time."Tina said aloud.

"Huh? What did he do?" Haley asked, confused. Although, part of her wasn't surprised.

"He drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM." Mr. Schue answered. Hearing this, Santana, and Brittany snickered, while Haley rolled her eyes.

"And when is he getting out?" Rachel asked.


"He might be the dumbest person on this planet, and that's coming from me." Brittany stated.

"Oh Britt, your pure naiveness and innocence is immaculate." Haley said sarcastically under her breath, but loud enough to receive a small smile from Santana.

"Guys! Let's have some sympathy." Mr. Schue said firmly.

"For a guy who puts his needs before the team's?" Finn asked in disbelief, receiving a slap on the arm from Haley. "We need his voice and bad-boy presence."

"We can't look at this as a crisis. It's an opportunity." Mr. Schue said.

"For what? Further embarrassment and humiliation?" Quinn asked, and Haley nodded in agreement.

"For welcoming our new member...Sam Evans!"

At this news, Haley's face lit up. She leaned towards Santana. "Well my mood was just lifted." Santana sent her a knowing look, sending herself a note to get them together.

"Hey. everybody. I'm Sam. Sam, I am." He gave them a friendly smile after shaking hands with Mr. Schue. "And I don't like green eggs and ham." he added.

At this, Haley giggled lightly. He sent her a small smile, knowing how easy it was to get a reaction out of her.

"Oh, wow. He has no game." Santana scoffed.

"Okay! This is gonna be great." Finn said as he shaked Sam's hand.

"Oh, good." Sam replied.

"Sam, you sit right here." Finn gestured to the chair beside Haley, he sent her a wink, which she rolled her eyes at.

"I thought you weren't joining." Haley whispered to him.

"Changed my mind." Sam replied, sending her a smile.

"All right! Question for the group. What's a duet?" Mr. Schue asked/

"A blanket." Brittany answered, as Haley giggled softly.

"A duet is when two voices join to become one." Mr. Schue continued on with the lesson, ignoring Brittany's answer. "Great duets are like a great marriage. The singers complement each other, push each other to be better. Now, some people may think.. He continued on with the lesson, but Haley didn't catch the rest as she was distracted when Kurt whispered to her. "Psst. He's on team gay." he said to her and Mercedes

"Why would you think that?" whispered Haley.

"No straight boy dyes his hair to look Linda Evangelista circa 1993." He responded. Haley didn't want her answer to affect him, so she frowned and turned back to Sam, as they continued to talk.

"You're crazy, circa 2010." scoffed Mercedes, as Kurt just sent her a wink and turned his attention back to the lesson.

"That is what duets are all about. So this week I want you to pair up and sing a duet. And since you guys all seemed to love our little Defying Gravity diva-off, I'm making this a competition."

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