Original Song

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"Guys, I've got some bad news. You know how we decided on Sing by My Chemical Romance for Regionals. Well, I hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it." Mr. Schue announced to everyone in the glee club.

"Ugh, it was the perfect anthem." Puck said.

"How much do you wanna bet Coach Sylvester had something to do with this?" Asked Mercedes.

"I'm with Mercedes." Haley nodded in agreement. "She must've done something behind our backs preventing us from performing the song."

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Mercedes asked.

"I think...We should write original songs for Regionals." Rachel proposed.

"All those in favor of voting Rachel's idea down for another time?" Haley asked, sending Rachel an unimpressed look. Everyone raised their hands.

"No I think Rachel's right. This team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different.: Quinn explained.

"Well, that;s true but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs...We're not gonna be so good." Argued Mercedes.

"You're right, we're not gonna be as good. We're gonna be better. We won't be using other people's words or music. It'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices. We have a really talented songwriter in our midst. Rachel? I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together." Quinn said as Rachel smiled in return.

"It's just odd that you're siding with Berry." Haley said.

"I'm with Quinn and Rachel. I mean, if these two can agree on something it's probably an idea worth considering." Finn spoke up.

"W-wait, wait. So, suddenly you two are writing the music for Regionals? No way. I think that everyone should get a chance to write a song." Santana interjected.

"Santana's right, we can do this." Sam said, as he glanced at Haley in his peripheral vision.

"What, do you think, Mr. Schue?" Asked Mercedes.

"I think we're doing original songs for Regionals." Mr. Schue announced.
Alright guys, let's hear it for our first song writing seminar." Everyone cheered. "While Quinn and Rachel are hard at work, we are gonna try and write an anthem of our own. Now, these are rhyming dictionaries for all of you." Mr. Schue continued.

"Uh Mr. Schue. Tina and I have been, uh, already working on a song that I wrote." Santana interrupted.

"Really? That's amazing. Can we hear it?" Asked Mr. Schue.

"This is a song I wrote for Sam." She explained. "It's called Trouty Mouth." Haley was somewhat annoyed but didn't have time to wrap her head around it.

As she progressed further into the song, Haley could sense Sam becoming more, and more uncomfortable and she laid her hand on his knee. She sent him a smile. The things between the two had been a little awkward after their kiss a few days before. She just hoped she could offer him some comfort in the moment.

"Okay. Can we stop? Stop with the mouth jokes." Sam demanded standing up.

"Sit down. I'm not finished." Santana said, causing both Haley and Sam to glare at her.

"Yes you are. Mr. Schue we're not doing a song at Regionals called Trouty Mouth."

"It's really offensive, and as one of your best friends, I beg you to stop now." Haley demanded.

"Uh y-you know what? I have to agree with Sam on this one. But, such a good first effort. I just don't think it's got the epic feel we need for Regionals." Mr. Schue said awkwardly.
"I kissed Sam. I really did, Quinn, and now things have began to be awkward between the two of us." Haley said to Quinn as they were walking outside. She had explained the whole thing that went down between the two.

"Oh honey, it's only natural when you like someone. It happens. It was in the moment. How do you feel about it?" She responded.

"Well, if you want my honest opinion, I felt good. I don't know what's going to happen. The things or people I love and care for, always seem to slip from my grasp. I don't want Sam to slip away." Haley rambled.

"Honey, if it's meant to workout, then it will. You are both reasonable people, and I believe you are meant for each other. In fact, I have  a ship name already." Quinn added.

"No...." Haley muttered.

"You better believe it. #Saley. I think it's quite suitable." Quinn commented.

"Actually, not going to lie, but I like it Fabray. Way more suitable than my horrible nickname Sue used to call me, still does." Haley pointed out.

They laughed, as they made their way back to the school, with Quinn not shutting up about the possible ship names.
Later on, Haley walked into the classroom covered in egg yolk. Santana and Brittany trailed behind her, their clothes stained with dirt.

"Haley, Santana, Brittany, what happened to you girls?" Mr. Schue asked.

"Coach Sylvester happened. She put dirt in Britt and Tana's locker and eggs in mine." Haley explained.

"She did what?" Mr. Schue asked, not impressed.

"I mean. It's not reasonable, or morally correct. It's revenge for not doing the stupid cannon stunt. Getting egged only reminded me of how she threw sticks at Mercedes, or how she called the Ohio Secretary of State, informing them that Tina had changed her name to Tina Cohen-Loser. It honestly reminds me of how she has made all of us feel like losers at some point. I believe that the word losers could really integrate into our material for Regionals." Haley explained. "I have written a few of the lyrics down in my songbook. It's called Loser Like Me."

"Wait, y-you, what?" Rachel asked, unimpressed.

"Yeah shorty, I have mastered song writing in my spare time growing up alone." Haley scoffed at her.

"Well. Let's hear it!" Mr. Schue said, as she went to sing, even though she was covered in egg stains.
As Haley was wiping out her locker, she made a face as she continued picking out the egg shells which lay over her books and other belongings.

"Hey do you want any help?" Sam asked as he approached her.

"I believe just some company would be a consolation." She replied, he nodded, as she continued to clean her locker. However, she stuck her head around the door, sending him a small smile.

"So I'm sorry about Santana's original song, I had no idea she was writing one." Haley said sympathetically.

"I mean... yeah it wasn't but I'm okay." He replied.

"I did go and confront her about it, I felt it my obligation too. Believe me, deep inside, she knows she's sorry." Haley assured her.

"Well that's good." He said. He sighed, bringing up their interaction a few nights before. "So about the moment we had a few nights ago." He started to speak, very cautiously.

"Uh, yeah..." She replied. "We have to do something because things have been kind of awkward between the two of us...I don't believe it's possible to just remain being friends." she rambled.

"Yeah...I think we can figure it out." He offered her a smile as she finished cleaning.

"Of course." she replied, as they walked down the hallway together.
A Night of Neglect is coming within the next hour or so:)

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