Tina in the Sky with Diamonds

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Twisted this one around:

"So how does it work with gay marriage, you take his last name or does he take yours, or...?" Sam asked.

"Right now, I'm honestly just excited that Kurt said yes." Blaine interjected, smiling at Haley and Sam who sat on the piano.

"I fell asleep last night while Tina was texting me about her prom dress."

"I believe it was very nice of you guys to do that for her. She's content that Ryder's going with her." Haley stated.

"Tell me about it. She couldn't stop talking about hoping to be prom queen." Blaine laughed.

"Yeah, Tina's kinda as obsessed as Quinn used to be with prom." Sam said as Haley nudged him.

"Don't talk like that, she's one of my best friends." Haley defended, as the boys chuckled.

"Come on, guys, we're back with the Beatles! We're leaving the mop-tops behind and moving into their experimental years. Now, the Rubber Soul album marked a turning point for the group, where they literally and figuratively let their hair down. Now, the Beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. They could have remained in their comfort zones, but instead, they risked everything to explore new musical worlds. They had something important to say, and they weren't going to let something as silly as the fear of failure get in their way." Mr. Schue said.

"Good afternoon, McKinley High. This year, proms are being fused into one giant Brundleprom." Principal Sylvester's voice rang through the speakers, causing Mr. Schue to stop talking.

"What's a Brundleprom? I don't get that reference." Ryder muttered.

"And now for the moment that will crush 99% of your misguided views about your own popularity. Here are your nominees for Prom King and Queen. First, here are your nominees for Prom King: Blaine Anderson, Mohamed Omar, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans."

Everyone cheered as Haley smiled at Sam.

"And now onto the Queen. Haley Aldrin, Aimee Ryan, Jordan Stern. And, inexplicably, Tina Cohen-Chang."

"Yes! Yes!" Tina cheered as she jumped up and down. "Yes! Yes! Oh, my God, yes!"

"Tina. Wow! Even though I'm not nominated, it's such an honor to be going to prom with a potential queen." Ryder smiled at her.

"Oh... Sorry, Ryder. It was so nice of you to offer to go with me, but i'm going to have to decline your invitation." Tina frowned.

"But you already accepted."

"Yeah, Tina, this is very uncool." Blaine pointed out.

"Losing is uncool. I need to maximize my odds of taking the crown, so I think I'm going to go with a group of single gals to corner the ejected wallflower vote. And I am going for it. This is my chance to be bigger than Jesus... So can I count on all your votes?"

"Wait...what about Haley?" Marley spoke up.

"Yeah, my fiance deserves equal votes too. What happens if she actually wants to win?" Sam added, as Haley just avoided eye contact.

"She doesn't matter. Never did... what matters is me." Tina stated.

"Well, Tina Cohen-Crazy, have fun with your egotistical attitude, but you aren't getting my vote, and I do in fact give a crap about what you just said. So people aren't going to vote for someone who's arrogant and self-minded, are they?" Haley asked, storming out of the room, letting tears fall down, as Sam sent Tina a stern look before running after Haley.

"Way to go. Way to go...Tina." Blaine said.

Haley felt hurt, even though she had a bold, tough, and witty exterior. She sighed, as she stared into the bathroom mirror, her eyes swollen from crying.

She heard a knock on the door. She knew it was Sam, judging by the knock. If someone else knocked it would either be Finn or Kurt.

"You can come in. No one's in here." She sniffled, as he came in, a sad look on his face.

"Hay, are you okay? What Tina said back there wasn't true." Sam asked, bringing her into a hug, as she cried into his chest.

"No...I'm not okay...but of course I let it get the best of me." She sniffled, trying to breathe. I feel like, I don't matter...And... I feel that from time to time, so hearing it from Tina was a harsh reminder." Haley said, as Sam wiped her tears that were falling.

"Well..." He said as he moved the stray hairs from her face. "Hayley, you do matter. She's just a little crazy... and she doesn't know what she's talking about."

"I guess...I have to stop letting her get to me. I have to just ignore the bullying from Bree this week..I don't have Brittany or Santana to help stick up for me..even though I'm brash and honestly good at comebacks." Haley pointed out.

"You are going to be okay, Hay." He said. "I love you, and we are going to have an epic senior prom."

"Yeah, I will. And I definitely have some plans." She smirked, wiping the remainder of her tears.

"Oh is that so?" He smirked back, as she nodded.
Even though Haley had protested to let her pay, Sam insisted on paying for their meal at Breadstix before their final prom.

"I could've paid Sam... It's your birthday." Haley said, as Sam shrugged.

"I know, but I insist, since the guy's supposed to do everything on Prom night." he explained.

"Well... Okay...I do have a gift for you." She added, pulling out a hotel key from her bag. She laughed lightly, as he frowned.

"What?" He asked.

"I got us a hotel room for tonight and tomorrow. I thought we needed some time away from Glee Club over the weekend. Plus I need a break, and I want to spend time with you. So... Happy Birthday." She smiled.

"Best gift ever, and I have the best fiance ever too." He smirked as he leaned in to press his lips to hers.

"I love you, I don't say that enough." He sighed, as she leaned against him.

"I love you too, and I don't believe I say that enough either." She agreed.
After Marley, Jake, Unique and Ryder's performance of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Principal Sylvester took the stage in order to announce Prom King and Queen.

"Congratulations, New Directions, on accomplishing the impossible: you've made me hate the Beatles. Your nominations for Prom King are: Sam Evans, Blaine Anderson, Artie Abrams, and that Radical Cleric kid. And now your nominees for Prom Queen: Neck-brace Cheerio, Asian number one, shortstacks and some other chick."

Haley smiled, knowing whatever outcome happened, she wouldn't give a crap. She knew in her heart, that Quinn and Santana would be proud of her either way.

"And now here's the moment you've all been waiting for because your lives are so devoid of meaning something like this seems very important. Your Prom King and Prom Queen are...Sam Evans and Haley Aldrin.

Haley smiled, as she and Sam received their crowns. However, she failed to notice Tina, signaling Dottie to dump the red slushie.

As Haley was about to go up and say something into the microphone, she felt drops of red slushie. "What the hell is happening?" She muttered, as she sent Sam a confused look. Suddenly her vision was a bit dulled as a huge bucket of slushy poured onto her and her dress. She screamed, in shock.

Out of her visible vision, she saw Tina and Bree + her friends laughing, She could see Sam looking shocked, while the rest of the Glee kids looked surprised.

After standing there for a minute, she realized she was very humiliated, and took off out the gym door. She made a run to the bathroom, as fast as she could go.

Once she reached the bathroom, she looked in the mirror, after washing her face. She didn't know whether to scream, or cry. She was in utter shock. However, after a few minutes, the tears came.

Suddenly the door burst open, and Marley came rushing in first, Sam and the rest of the Glee kids, excluding Tina behind her.

"Guys, I'm fine...just really humiliated. I lost my dignity due to public humiliation." She sniffled.

"No, Hay, you aren't fine." Sam said as he helped her get the slushy out of her hair.

"We need to get you into a warm outfit." Marley said.

"Kitty, can you go to my locker and retrieve my change of clothes?" She asked, as Kitty sent her a thumbs up and ran to retrieve her extra change of clothing.

"I had no idea Tina could get that...that...crazy." Blaine explained.

"It's not part of her characteristic or personality. Usually she's bearable." Unique added.

Kitty returned with Haley's change of clothing. "Here you go." She said handing Marley the clothes to give to Haley, after she was clean enough.

"You know what? I don't want to go back in there. I think I'm just going to go with Sam back home." Haley said, leaving the hotel, part out for more private reasons. "Kitty, can you just do my speech for the both of us?" Kitty nodded. "Of course."

"Thanks." Haley sent them all a sad smile. "Um I'm going to go change, and then Sam, we'll go okay?" She asked as he sent her a smile.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting, Hay."
After the whole fiasco and prom drama, Haley laid on the bed cuddling with Sam in their hotel room.

"So that was quite a night..." Sam spoke up.

"Yeah...tell me about it. Definitely unexpected. I'm sorry, I felt like I ruined your birthday and our final prom night." She sighed as she hid her head in his chest, to avoid eye contact.

"Hay, it's fine. Honestly, I'm just happy that I get to spend my birthday and the rest of the years to come with you." He assured her.

"Well. I'm glad...And I can't wait for our future. I just don't want to see Tina again.."Haley muttered, as Sam looked at her.

"Oh, baby, you're going to have to see her at some point. Graduation is very soon though." He pointed out.

"I guess you're right, I'll find ways to avoid her." Haley said, aloud.

Suddenly her phone rang.

"Who is it?" Sam asked as both of them sat up.

"It's Carol..." Haley said, answering the phone call.

"Hello?" Haley answered.

"Hey sweetie..." Carol replied.

Sam watched as Haley nodded, suddenly his expression changed when he saw tears begin to fall down Haley's face..

After she hung up, she turned to look at him, trying to stay strong.

"So...um..." Haley breathed, trying to figure out how to formulate the news. "That was Carol, Sam. She called to break the news that Finn died."

Haley began to sob after, as Sam wrapped her into his arms, both of them mourning the loss of their friend, and someone who Haley had referred to as her brother.

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