What the World Needs Now

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Haley sighed as she walked home from getting soup for her and Sam for dinner. They were both on different schedules today, so she just left his food in the fridge with a note, and made her way to the park.

After she sat down, and began to eat her soup, she suddenly felt very nauseous. "Oh god..." She muttered as she made a quick run for the park bathroom, but didn't succeed, so she threw up in whatever was closest, which happened to be the trash can. She sighed.

"That's weird. I thought that soup place was healthy and safe...oh I need to get rid of the soup before Sam eats it." She panicked, making a run to the apartment.

However, she wasn't in luck, because he sat there about to take a spoonful of his soup. "No, no, no." She said running to the kitchen and taking it out of his hands.

"What's up Hay?" He asked, frowning.

"That soup isn't good. I feel sick. I think it's food poisoning, so I don't want you getting sick." Haley said, throwing the soup out.

"Okay..." Sam responded, as he watched Haley pick up the phone.

"We'll just order pizza alright?" She asked.

"Wait, just sit down, I'll call and order pizza okay?" He asked, bringing her to the couch as she sighed, complying to his orders.

"Fine." She muttered sitting down, as he sat down next to her, while she wrapped herself in a blanket.

He sighed, and frowned when she quickly got up to go throw up in the bathroom.

"Are you okay, Hay?" He asked as he went to her hair back for her.

"Yeah totally." She smiled at him, wiping her tears, and walking back to the couch. Even though he didn't fully believe her, he let it slide.

Later after the two had eaten, while after Sam had eaten some slices of pizza, his phone buzzed.

"Oh, Mike and Tina say feel better. Actually the whole gang does."

"Tell them thanks, although I can imagine, they're thinking I'm spewing up throw-up and doing unspeakable things." Haley sighed. "I look horrible."

"No, baby, you look beautiful as always. Now get some rest okay? We have another day of teaching tomorrow." Sam assured her as she cuddled up against him, and they fell asleep.
With the win at invitationals, the new glee members had definitely come out of their shells. Everything was looking positive with the new additions of Kitty and Spencer.

"Hello winners!" Rachel said as her and Kurt walked into the choir room. "Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm still basking in the glow of our first many, championship trophies!"

"Well, Rachel and I want our champions to celebrate another champion." Kurt said, as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Katniss Everdeen!" Brittany called out as she played with Haley's hair.

"Close." Rachel grinned, stepping aside to reveal the whiteboard which had the name 'Burt Bacharach.' written on it.

"This is a good time to go to the bathroom or fall asleep or get a snack." Kitty whispered, as Spencer chuckled.

"Burt Bacharach has written seventy-three top forty hits. He's also won three Oscars, two golden globes, and a buttload of Grammy's. His music has been featured on everything from the Simpsons to Goodfellas." Kurt explained.

"And you can't help but grin when you listen to his music. His songs are uplifting and theatrical and optimistic." Rachel added.

"We need to soak up all his uplifting energy as we get ready for sectionals which are five weeks away, but I guarantee you, Vocal Adrenaline and the Warblers are doing everything in their power to regain their former glory." Kurt said.

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