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"Wonder-ful!" Mr. Schue announced as he wrote the word on the board. "Alright guys, I just got some wonderful news from Rachel. She's got a second callback for Funny Girl."

Everyone clapped, although Haley despised the girl, she had to admit she was talented. Haley knew she would make it, and despite it, because she was still in a daze of being engaged, she clapped.

"And that's not our only good news. Brittany is at M.I.T. touring the campus because she's got an early acceptance."

"That's my Britt." Haley smiled, as Sam wrapped his arm around her. She was still awaiting to hear if she had gotten into NYU. Her anxiety could not be worse.

"And I re-proposed to Emma. She re-accepted, and we're getting married after Regionals. We're excited." Mr. Schue continued, as everyone cheered.

"I've got good news, too." Tina said, walking to stand at the front. "I'm wait-listed at the Columbus college of Veterinary Medicine. It's a fallback if I don't pursue acting."

Everyone cheered again, Haley putting on a smile to cover up her anxiety and apprehension.

"They acceptance letter is coming, Hay. You're going to get in." Sam said trying to comfort her.

"Tina, that's not just good news. It's wonderful, and that's what this week is all about. We're taking a lesson from one of the greatest musical artists of all time. Despite facing a ton of obstacles, he's a living example of embracing... No, celebrating... Joy and optimism, and he's collected 25 Grammys along the way. So don't you worry 'bout a thing because whether you're ebony or ivory, you are the sunshine of my life."

Yes. And next week at Regionals we will be jammin' on higher ground. Yeah, it's a Stevie Wonder week." Everyone laughed and cheered.
Haley sat at her desk that night, when she received an email from NYU.

"Oh god, this is the moment of truth. Am I accepted or am I rejected?" She sighed, as she went to read the email, she suddenly got up.

"I can't do this." She said, as her breathing quickened. "I mean Columbia rejected me, so what happens if NYU does as well..."

She debated on whether to call Sam, Blaine or Kurt, or Kitty to come read it for her, but then she knew she'd be a mess if she didn't get in.

"Well I'm doing this. I have a 4.0 GPA, I'll be valedictorian, and I'll be fine..." Haley said, clicking the email and reading through the letter.

Her face didn't light up, because she saw that she'd been rejected. "Oh, dear.." She sighed. "Haley Aldrin, we regret to inform you..." She trailed off as her voice began to shake, and her lip was quivering. She felt tears coming.

"This week isn't so wonderful, so far." She muttered, as she laid down on her bed, letting her tears fall.

She pulled out her phone, and called Sam. Asking him to come over, and that it was urgent, and in truth, she wanted comfort and a shoulder to cry on.

"Hey, Hay, what's up?" He answered.

"Can you come over, now?? It's urgent." Haley asked.

"Yeah, on my way." He answered, hanging up.
Not even fifteen minutes later, she heard her door open, as Sam came in.

"Hey, Haley, what's up?" He asked, smiling. His smile faded as he saw Haley's tear stained face, and her lip quivering, as she sat up to look at him.

"Sam...I didn't get accepted into NYU." She managed to get out as she began to cry harder.

"Oh, Hay." Sam said, running to sit with her, pulling her into his arms. "I'm so sorry." He mumbled as he rocked them gently back and forth.

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